If you’ve read my recent confession post, then you know that in my recent healing journey I’ve been dealing with h. pylori. Considering that h. pylori causes ulcers and other digestive problems (including being linked to cancer), it is certainly no bueno!
The good news is that I’ve kicked h. pylori to the curb! And I did it without any antibiotics or regimens of pills or medicines. Before I tell you how to treat h. pylori naturally, I do have to remind you that I am not a doctor, so please don’t take my experience as medical advice or diagnosis. Please consult a naturopathic doctor if you suspect you may have h. pylori.
So, what the heck is h. pylori?
Helicobacter pylori, aka h. pylori, is a type of bacteria which resides in our stomach. To be specific, it is found in the mucus lining of the stomach and duodenum, but can also adhere to the cells lining the stomach. It has a rod-like, helix shape (see photo below) which allows it to burrow deep into the lining. Now, keep in mind that the stomach is a very acidic environment. To survive in the acidity, h. pylori bacteria release an enzyme called urease. This enzyme turns urea into ammonia. Yes, I know it sounds weird, but there is actually urea (like found in urine) in gastric juices.
Well, all that ammonia neutralizes the gastric juices around the h. pylori bacteria so they can thrive. Normally, your body would send immune cells to attack and kill bacterial invaders. But immune cells can’t burrow into the lining of the stomach, so h. pylori gets to have a party in your digestive system. There is also evidence showing that h. pylori bacteria can block immune responses so they can’t crash the party.
Depending on which report you go by, 1/3 to 2/3 of the world’s population is infected with h. pylori. Researchers aren’t sure exactly how h. pylori bacteria are transmitted, but they guess is it from fecal to mouth contamination. Considering that sanitation has improved so much in developed countries, they also guess that h. pylori can be transmitted from oral-to-oral contact (such as from contaminated food).
How h. pylori causes ulcers
Researchers have known about h. pylori for over 100 years. It wasn’t until fairly recently that they figured out that h. pylori causes ulcers though. In the 1970s, an Australian pathologist named Robin Warren was looking at samples of inflamed stomach tissue. He found that h. pylori was all over the gastric mucus of the inflamed samples. Interestingly, there wasn’t any inflammation in samples without h. pylori. This led him to believe that h. pylori causes irritation to the stomach.
Warren and his partner Barry Marshall had trouble isolating the bacteria. When they finally did, Marshall actually swallowed a sample of the bacteria to prove it caused ulcers. Talk about taking one for the team! He didn’t develop an ulcer, but he did get a serious case of gastritis (inflamed stomach). This proved that h. pylori bacteria did cause stomach irritation. Luckily for Marshall, the infection cleared up without any treatment (guess I’m not the only one who’s kicked h. pylori without drugs!).
Researchers still aren’t exactly sure how h. pylori causes ulcers. The most common theory is that h. pylori damages the mucus lining of the stomach and duodenum. Without this protective mucus layer, the acid from the stomach can damage its own cells. The fact that h. pylori causes inflammation is also likely to be a factor.
Today, researchers know that h. pylori causes about 80% of ulcers in the stomach and 90% of ulcers in the duodenum. What they don’t know is why some people with h. pylori get ulcers and others don’t. Keep in mind that h. pylori is a bacteria which affects upwards of 2/3 of the world!
From my own experiences and research, I’d have to surmise it all comes down to gut health. Even if you do have bad h. pylori bacteria in your stomach wearing away at the mucus, a healthy gut could still repair the mucus before any real damage is done. But, if your gut isn’t healthy, then the bacteria are going to do a number on your mucus and gastric acid will be able to damage cells. Remember when doctors used to think that ulcers came from stress and bad diet? Well, those factors are definitely not good for your gut! So, if you’ve got h. pylori and you are also eating a bad diet and are dealing with stress constantly, then the h. pylori are gonna take a toll.
H. pylori and stomach cancer
As if an ulcer wasn’t bad enough, h. pylori is also linked to numerous types of gastric cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute SEER Program, nearly 11 thousand people will have died of gastric cancer in 2013. And the rates are on the rise.
H. pylori has been identified as the main cause of gastric cancer (even before causes like smoking). Again, researchers can’t be positive how h. pylori causes gastric cancer, but the theory is that the inflammation caused by the bacteria predisposes the tissues to becoming cancerous. Since damaged cells have to replicate more frequently, they also are more likely to get cancerous mutations. According to a study in Clinical Microbiology, people with h. pylori have a 1-2% chance of getting stomach cancer.
What are the symptoms of h. pylori?
Most people (85%) with h. pylori won’t have any symptoms at all. About 10-20% of people will get a peptic ulcer. 1-2% will get stomach cancer. The rest will have symptoms like stomachache, belching, indigestion, bloating, and other symptoms of stomach inflammation. Super sexy, huh?
Testing for h. pylori
Because h. pylori usually doesn’t have any symptoms and the symptoms it does cause are so similar to symptoms of other conditions, the only reliable way to know if you have an h. pylori infection is to get tested.
Good news! There is now an h. pylori test that you can order directly without a doctor’s order! While I’m a HUGE fan of having a doctor’s guidance, I understand the need to know whether you have h. pylori or not before you invest in a practitioner.
- USA: Order the test here
- Europe: Order the test here
What do mainstream docs use to treat h. pylori?
Since h. pylori is a bacteria, it shouldn’t be too surprising that the mainstream treatment for h. pylori is antibiotics. Hardcore antibiotics. Along with two antibiotics (usually clarithromycin and amoxicillin), doctors will also give a proton-pump inhibitor. Proton-pump inhibitors are drugs which reduce gastric acid formation (over-the-counter stuff like Prilosec). The idea is that the ulcer will be able to heal if there isn’t so much stomach acid eating away at it.
Back when this “triple therapy” of drugs was prescribed, it was actually pretty effective. Now, the 3-way of drugs fails for about 35% of patients – and the effectiveness is still falling. The reason is because bacteria has become resistant to antibiotics. Not shocking considering the majority of docs are quite trigger happy when it comes to prescribing antibiotics. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and a place for modern medicine and antibiotics but prescribing them each time you have a sniffle is probably going to do more harm than good. To be fair, we’d have to point a finger at CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) for pumping our meat full of antibiotics as well. Not helpful guys. Not helpful at all.
Aside from the whole antibiotic resistance issue, this approach doesn’t seem so wise. For starters, proton-pump inhibitors block stomach acid formation. Remember how we said that h. pylori secretes enzymes to reduce stomach acid, and that is what allows them to thrive? So, if you are reducing stomach acid, then you are just going to make an even more hospitable environment for h. pylori. Oh, and those antacids aren’t doing you any favors! If you have acid reflux, GERD or hearburn, The 30 Day Heartburn Solution will show you how to treat it naturally.
But the antibiotics should take care of the h. pylori before they go haywire in the now low-acid environment of your stomach, right? Well, antibiotics are also going to kill off the good bacteria in your stomach. If you do go the antibiotic route for this or anything else make sure to include a dose of therapeutic grade probiotics like Prescript Assist alongside it. You’ll also want to add naturally-fermented foods to your diet, like these easy to make pickled carrots. Good bacteria found in probiotics are essential for reducing inflammation and maintaining the health of your stomach lining. Numerous studies now even show that taking antibiotics can increase incidence of gut-related diseases. There are now also many studies which show that ingesting probiotic good bacteria can eradicate h. pylori. So, do you really want to be taking antibiotics which will kill off the good bacteria you need to keep your digestive system healthy?
How to treat h. pylori naturally
The good news is, you don’t need harsh antibiotics to eradicate h. pylori! There are a couple of natural treatments that work just as well if not better and don’t wreck your gut along the way. Please consult with your naturopathic doctor to see which of these treatments is right for you.
H. Pylori Natural Treatment #1: Mastic Gum
Mastic Gum has gotten a lot of attention as a natural cure for h. pylori and there is no shortage of evidence showing that it is effective. Heck, even the likes of Dr. Oz and The Daily Mail are behind this one. A friend of mine, who is also a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, eradicated h. pylori using this treatment.
Mastic gum (which you can buy here) is a resin from the pistachio tree. In stores, you might find it under the name Arabic gum. Don’t confuse this with gum arabic, the emulsifier which is found in a lot of processed foods. They are completely different things.
As far back as the Greek Empire, mastic gum was used to treat ulcers. It wasn’t until 1998 that mastic gum finally got its due. That is when a study called Mastic Gum Kills Helicobacter pylori was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers found that even small amounts of mastic gum (1 g per day over a course of 2 weeks) could cure ulcers and kill h. pylori. Later studies confirmed that mastic gum has antibacterial properties. It also is antifungal too. It is thought that mastic gum works by causing changes to the h. pylori bacteria so it dies.
The really good news? The studies found absolutely no side effects of taking mastic gum for h. pylori treatment!
Again, I didn’t try this myself and you will have to talk to your doctor to figure out what regimen you should use if you go this route. With this in mind, here is the recommended mastic gum dosage for h. pylori that I found:
Mastic Gum Dosage
- Week 1: 1000mg of mastic gum daily on an empty stomach
- Week 2: 2000mg of mastic gum daily, divided into two dosages taken on an empty stomach (take in the morning and afternoon)
- Week 3: 3000mg of mastic gum daily, divided into three dosages taken on an empty stomach (morning, afternoon, and evening)
***You can buy mastic gum here***
H. Pylori Natural Treatment #2: Matula Tea
The other effective natural treatment for h. pylori – and the one I tried myself — is Matula tea. You can buy matula tea online here. Matula tea is actually made of up five different herbs:
- Oleaceae (a relative of the olive tree)
- Asteraceae (aster)
- Alliaceae (related to onions, leeks, and chives)
- Fabaceae (related to the bean family)
- Myrtaceae (related to spices like allspice, guava, and clove)
These herbs are picked in the wild, don’t contain any pesticides, and are sundried. They work together to fight h. pylori naturally in a few ways. For starters, like with the mastic gum, some of these herbs have antibacterial properties which can kill h. pylori. Matula tea also helps your stomach lining heal by stopping bleeding and regulating gastric acidic production. Finally, Matula tea can help you rebuild your mucus lining so the damage caused by h. pylori is reversed and the bacteria can’t re-infect.
Under the advice and guidance of my doctor I ordered 1 case of matula tea (buy it here) for myself (and preventatively, since it can’t hurt, 1 for my husband, 1 for my teenage daughter and 1 for my toddlers to split since their dose is halved). We drank 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup nightly on an empty stomach each time for the 30 days that it took to finish the case. I forgot once or twice but really tried to stay on top of it as much as possible.
***You can buy Matula Tea here***
How does it taste? It is kind of like a mild unsweetened green tea. Since I usually drink unsweetened tea and coffee, I found it quite pleasant. Admittedly though, it wasn’t something that my kids jumped right into. I had to put some raw honey in it for them and then they liked it. Since raw honey is chock full of healthy gut probiotics, it was a win-win (where to buy raw honey).
Drinking Matula tea is literally all I did to cure my h. pylori. The proof is in the poop. Sorry, but it’s true. Here are my before and after stool tests.
As with any protocol, I recommend you seek the guidance of your naturopathic doctor before starting your treatment.
The Good News? You don’t need a doctor to order the tests and you can do them at home!
The best test to order is the H.Pylori stool antigen test, available here.
Note on Curing H. Pylori Naturally
Both mastic gum and Matula tea are good options for people who want to get rid of h. pylori without damaging their bodies with antibiotics and proton-pump inhibitors. But I want to emphasize that these treatments are going to work a lot better if you are taking care of your gut. Remember how I mentioned that studies found probiotics reduce stomach inflammation and may even kill off bad bacteria like h. pylori? Likewise, you will want to avoid any food stuffs which irritate your stomach. This means refined sugars, wheat (gluten) and processed foods. When your gut is healthy, it will be in a much better position to fight off h. pylori and heal itself of the damage that was caused.
If you’re currently eating a Standard American Diet and aren’t sure how to transition to a healthier real food diet, my ebook Paleo Made Easy: Getting your Family Started with the Optimal Healthy Lifestyle can teach you how to start.
***Buy Mastic Gum here***
***Buy Matula Tea here***
What was it like during the h. pylori detox?
Honestly, it wasn’t that bad. (I wish I could say the same for the heavy metal chelation I did). I did notice some acne/breakouts on my face and also uncharacteristically bad breath during the month I was drinking the tea. Energy levels and everything else remained constant. It was the easiest detox treatment I’ve ever done!
Other detox protocols I’ve tried include:
Have you cured h. pylori? What treatments have you used? Would love to hear from you in the comments below!
“Effects of ingesting Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt in subjects with colonized Helicobacter pylori“.
Latest posts by Sylvie McCracken (see all)
- Treating H. Pylori (Part 3): What H. Pylori Does to the Body - August 8, 2022
- Treating H. Pylori (Part 2): How H. Pylori is Contracted - August 3, 2022
- Understanding Beef Labels: Organic, Pastured, Grass-Fed & Grain-Finished - July 25, 2022
Do you treat h polar 1st than SIBO?
DoesMy work I tried it. At least not for me
Would you ever reccomend doing both Mastic Gum and Matula tea. After I ordered the tea I received email stating that if you have Candida you need to take tea for 60 days . What is your best supplements for getting rid of Candida?
Wow! What a long thread! I am very interested in trying the Matula tea after suffering with LPR and extreme gastro issues over the past 8 years. I did have a positive stool test a while back but no dr treated me. I just want to confirm that the 30 day course of tea costs just over $200? I didn’t even get to the shipping part. But that is correct regarding the amount, is that right?
Yup that sounds about right.
Hi, I just wanted to tell you what cured my H pylori. I’d been suffering with it for about 9 months and had no idea what it was. I had a hysterectomy and right after that I began having the symptoms and I actually thought the surgeon punctured my bowels. The other symptoms are what everyone else mentions, the bloating, stomach aches, etc.
Anyway, when my regular doc did a blood test he called me with the results, which was the HP. Told me to make an appt. with a gastro doc. Gastro doc couldn’t see me for a month and I wasn’t about to wait another month with this horrible raging infection going on. So I got out my trusty Colloidal Silver and started drinking it, about 2 – 3 oz 3 x a day and 2 times during the night when I got up to use the bathroom, and also it was a good time since I had an empty stomach and figured it would work better. After 2 days the bowel problem cleared up and I was having normal bowel movements. I could stop wearing the diapers. Yeah. I kept this up for a month until I took another HP test and it came back negative. But all was not well, I still had the bloating and discomfort so i had an endoscopy and they told me I had gastritis. I started looking for natural ways to cure it. I tried Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, which said it would cure it, it didn’t, but did make some improvement. After going thru 6 bottles of it I decided to try something else. I tried slippery elm, it’s a powder and you make tea with it. It made me feel really strange so I stopped that too. I then came across potato juice. Can you imagine of all things, raw potato juice. After drinking the very first cup (had to make it fresh each time) I never had another episode. I continued to drink it for a few months, tapering down from 3 x a day to 2 x a day, then once a day, then every other day, then I was able to stop and it was fine. It took about 7 months after that to get completely normal again. I ate lots of yogurt, also took probiotics and cranberry pills.
Then suddenly I was having bouts of diarrhea and didn’t know what the culprit was. I was able to rule different foods out and discovered it was milk that gave me a problem. I now believe I’m lactose intolerant. What I do now is just drink the Colloidal Silver every morning, about a dixie cup full, about 3 oz. That works fine as long as I don’t drink any milk. I can live with doing the CS every day since it always works and there are no side effects and I never get sick so it’s great to use.
Sorry for the wall of text, but if it can help anyone I’m glad to do it.
How much Collidial Silver did you take?
Hi Silvie – I want to buy the team for my 5 yo. I read above that you bought it for your teenager and toddler, so I guess its ok to give to 5yo. Could you suggest the dosage? Also, can I mix the honey in it?
Hello ???????? I have been diagnosed with h-pylori 7 months ago and have taken 3 course of antibiotics but I still have it ???? I need to mention that I have lupus and I am at the biginning of my pregnancy, My question is Is it ok to take mastic gum if you were pregnant ? I would really appreciate the reply since my Gp is really not helpfull at all thats why I want to try a natural way, also cant go through the same pain of taking antibiotics ???????? please help a sister out here ???? .
Hi did you clear up on the HP infection?
Will Digize essential oil cause the HP test to be hindered?
Katie, as far as I know, no it will not.
I had HP two years ago. I think it has come back. I have all the same symptoms. My GI doc was suppose to check for it when he did a scope, but didnt. I have had a gallbladd test, sonagram, upper scope, and a colon test.. He did all these test over 4,000 dollars and the main test I request he didnt do because he was so busy the day I got the scope. He got call out to the hospital twice.. I said all of that, because I had a 4, 000 medical deduct. I cannot afford any more expense. I tried the gum, but it hasnt worked. I may have not taken it correctly so I will try it again.. Living like this is hortible. I am currently up again with pain. My symptoms are bloting, pain in stomach that moves, intergestion. I have found some relief from digize essential oil. I ask my doctor’s office about doing a HP test. She said the only way is.a breath test because the other test would show a false postive because I had HP before. Not SURE? I need this to go away because I have a mother who is fighting cancer that needs me… any advise?
Katie, have you taken a SIBO breath test? More info here: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/breath-tests/
Katie, the best for me are raw vegetables – there are so many raw food recipes on the web. Eat a big salad from vegetables (include raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, swede, beetroot, cabbage, and similar,…) for breakfast and as last meal every day and you will see drastic results with your digestion, gut health, it even clears the HP symptoms. But, if you are not used to raw vegetables, go slowly and persistently (a bit every day) in the beginning to get you gut flora used to it. Please DO NOT use plant oils in the salads (and preferably anywhere else), use olive oil and coconut oil and avocados instead.
Dear Sylvie, I was hoping for some advice. I have hpylori and SIBO. Which one should I treat first or is there a product that treats both simultaneously? Thank you so much for your advice and getting back to me. So VERY MUCH appreciated! Many thanks and kindest regards
Dear Sylvie, I was hoping for some advice. I have hpylori and SIBO. Which one should I treat first or is there a product that treats both simultaneously like GI Synergy? Thank you so much for your advice and getting back to me. So VERY MUCH appreciated! Many thanks and kindest regards
Hi , amazing to read others in the same boat as me! I have suffered from h pylori for about 4 years now and it has been a nightmare. It affected me on a daily basis but at its worst it’s the not sleeping that was killing me. I’ve had all the symptoms major fatigue, bloating, sore heads, sweats, run down , feeling faint etc
I work as a gardener in Scotland and the amount of dog mess i had to go through whilst grass cutting was certainly the culprit.
I was constantly at the docs and getting line after line of anti biotics until i realised they were making me worse. I found pro biotic drinks certainly helped but not cured it but my love of alcohol and spicy food had to be done at a minimum! After doing my own research i decided to try mastic gum tablets which didn’t do too much for me but i did find tablets which made a world of difference. CARNOSOOTHE changed my life last year and after speaking to a specialist before my last endoscopy we both agreed that one of the main ingredients of Liquorice had done the trick! In the last few weeks I’ve felt run down again with similar symptoms and as usual can’t work out if it’s the h pylori or a bug so I’ve ordered another tub of these tablets (about £20 for 60 online).
I will let you know how these tablets work again but last year they certainly worked within week or so. I hope my experience of this can help others as it is a horrible infection.
Good luck
Is the Matula Tea safe for SIBO patients?
Hello Sylvie, did you relay used this natural medicine or just fake advertisement for money. Please reply?
Hello Sylvie, thank you for this article. Can you advise if one could start right away with the 2000mg or 3000mg dosage instead of 1000mg?
Hello Sylvie. My name Michael and I love your article. Please when you say ”take the Matula tea on empty stomach” Do you mean a few hours before meal? If yes, how long before food. Thanks and God bless you as you reply this comment. Please!
Hi Michael,
Yes that’s what I mean. You should always check with your doctor but I think 30min-1 hour before meals would be great.
Best to you,Sylvie
Hi, my name is Fariza. I am pregnant now, and i have found that i have h.pilory. Can i use that gum and tea which you recommended in this sitation? Don’t they demage in my pregnancy?
Hi! This is a great article…very good to read about some alternatives. I just managed to beat a C. difficle infection and found out that I have H. pylori. I do not want antibiotics because that will just allow the C. diff to happen again. I read that Mastic Gum kills good bacteria as well, so I am hesitant to try it. Would the tea be better for someone in my situation? I am very concerned because I have come so far in beating C. diff, I don’t want to mess up everything and start the cycle again.
Hi Sylvie,
Thanks for the article. Can you pls tell me, from where I can purchase Matula Tea in Abu Dhabi/Dubai
Hi Shuaib, Unfortunately I don’t know of a place there. I ordered it online (link in post above) and that’s the only place I’ve used.
Hello Sylvie, would it be better to take gum and tea together? For how long?
Hi Andrei,
I would choose one of the other. I did only the tea and not the gum as explained in the post.
Hope you feel better soon.
hi all . i have question what recommanded to treat h pylori , and how many mastic gum can i take to kick out th e bacteria
first you write, take 1 mg of mastic gum and 10 lines lower it is 1000 mg, only 1000x difference
Good catch, Gilles. I meant 1g or 1000mg. Correcting now 🙂 thanks!
I had this infection and it nearly drove me mad. I came across an article that recommended you take a lot of water and somehow it used to treat it but it would recur the next day. I was also overly dependent on anti acids and it became so severe when I did not use them. This gnawing pain used to come at night and I would wake up drink 3- 4 glasses of water or take anti acids.
I came across an article taking about mastic gum and thought it was just another online bluff, surprisingly, I decided to try it coz I saw it in one or two articles one article was in fact on NIH website and I trusted since it has some scientific citations. They also recommended other plants like Garlic, green tea and broccoli.
I bought mastic gum to try if I would see the difference and I was surprised, for 6 months now I have not been having the problem at all. I can now comfortably sleep or when am awake I dont feel the gnawing pain any more. Thanks for the nice article.
Thank you for the info. I am wondering, do you have any data on if these two treatments are safe to do while breastfeeding?
I had severe hyperemesis gravidarum for my pregnancy and I’ve suspected h. Pylori because of that. My daughter has had significant digestive issues well in her first nine months and I’m wondering if she would benefit from this treatment through the breast milk…
WOW … Your article is about the first I have come across that gave any good information, most just go on and on about everything else but what you really need to find out so thank you very much, I got H pylori because I work in transportation and I’m always on the road just grabbing something to eat not nutritional and sometimes probably sitting there for the whole day, it’s American truck drivers we don’t get good choices for food. However my H pylori which I didn’t know I had something was wrong but I couldn’t put my finger on it it wasn’t bad enough to go to the hospital per se it was not nagging and it got so bad that the whole left side of my head quit working I had to take myself off the road, quit my job I went home to my original home town. And told my position and my blood pressure was shooting up LifeWay High she sent me for a ultrasound on my clouded arteries she thought I was having a stroke, along with that they did a brain scan a nerve damage test a reflex test upper and lower GI they injected my neck with cortisone shots in the discs this went on for 18 months all the while I was pitiful don’t want to get up and do anything I was nauseous and I felt like I was in a third-person state finally I went to a walk in clinic as I had had it and was at wits end I was going to get better or I was going to quit the PA and their the physician’s assistant took some information and asked if I had ever had H pylori I didn’t know what it was well he picked my finger and took it back in the lab in 15 minutes later he said you have HP Laurie and gave me the antibiotics accordingly they didn’t work and they didn’t work the second time so naturally it didn’t go well away and they didn’t work the third time I went to my other doctor and begged her for some tetracycline but they don’t make it here any longer she gave me doxycycline it seemed to help, but being that I wasn’t really getting any better with the antibiotics I resorted to research and did get the mastic gum it’s quite pricey I also got the licorice digestive Aid and it works wonderfully I contribute the natural supplements as to what got me better now I am sad to say that I’ve gotten HP once again, I know the antibiotics won’t work I have 6 bottles of them but the doctors keep insisting on giving in to me I tried them for a week and I’m back on the Mastic Gum trying to get better since I’ve gotten this and each time I get it the left side of my head hurts and now I’m getting overly anxious like way overly anxious and my blood pressure goes way Sky High I don’t know if anyone else suffers from those conditions when they get this but it’s horrific it’s like there’s something wrong terribly terribly wrong and anxious to the point almost I’m having panic attacks I believe there’s a lot more to this bacterial infection that they lead on as they do with the general public the newest research that I found is from 2014 so again they are not overly concerned with it the one other thing that did help me that is from the doctor is called magic mouthwash and if I can find the recipe which is a prescription but I will post it in here thank you for letting me share my story and any feedback as to the same conditions would be appreciated
Should continue to take Matula tea? Now on my second day, took it on a empty stomach, and about 15 min later started dry heaving, like something wanted to come up, didn’t understand why this happend, that didn’t happen to me the first day. I have been having some digestion issues lately ever since I lost 15 pounds recently in 3 weeks. Thank God Iv managed to eat some foods and have stayed around 155, I had weighed 170. but I stay away from a lot of things now, eat avocados , turkey, boiled eggs, and occasional wheat bread, would it hurt if I took a digestive enzyme? This has been a battle for sure, please tell me if I should continue. Thanks.
Maya, how much and how many times a day did you drink the cranberry juice???
Hi Sylvie,
Thank you for writing this post! The first time I had h.pylori I had antibiotics but responded severely to them although it made h. pylori gone. The second time I wasn’t too anxious to undergo the antibiotic treatment again, so I had it cured with just cranberry juice and tea – it was gone in 1.5 week of being on the cranberry treatment. Nothing else. I also have heard of people curing it with cabbage juice.
What kind of cranberry juice did you purchase?
i can’t believe this is unbelievable how Dr Okorodu cure my herpes simplex virus, since 2 year ago i was effected with HERPES VIRUS, and i have taking all manner of drugs prescribed to me from several doctors,but all my effort was wasted,i cry all the day thinking on how i can be cure, i lost all hope,so i was looking for solution for my health,but one faithful day, i was searching the internet i came across several testimonies about Dr.Okorodu, how he has cure so many effected individual,so i try and contact his email: DROKORODU@GMAIL.COM, and asked him for solution about my herpes virus and he started the preparation to my cure,to my greatest surprise after three week, i was totally cure by his powerful herbal medicine, i received from Dr.Okorodu,i never believe that i could be cure from my herpes simplex until i met Dr.Okorodu i’m very grateful to you Sir Okorodu Ojo and i know your herbal medicine will save more million lives.and he cure all manner of disease like HIV, HERPES, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, DIABETES,thank you Sir Okorodu Ojo for curing my herpes virus,his email DROKORODU@GMAIL.COM or call his Mobil number on +2348051421297
Wow, thats news!
Sylvie McCracken Help me.. i also have this Ulcer for 2 Years ,…. What can i do … just tel me Main part of that from your uper conservation..???
Drink no more than 2 OZ fresh green cabbage juice daily. This remedy is backed up by science. It has been proven to cure even the most severe ulcers. It will also treat gastritis. Which you surely have given you have an ulcer.
You can also try drinking raw potato juice, that is supposed to help with both issues.
Good luck!
Great article and and found it in the nick of time. I was diagnosed with H pylori positive, and was prescribed a course of Omeprazole 20mg, Metronidazole 500mg and Clarithromycin 500mg. This morning I took the Omeprazole, as directed, and 2 hours later had diffculty breathing, weird sensation on the roof of my mouth, and difficulty focusing. Emailed my doctor and he’s prescribed some other drug. I’m not going to take any of them; hense why I’m here. I lead a very clean, organic, life; no alcohol, drugs, processed sugar or salt, and do exercise regularly. Take a daily drink of unsweetened almond milk, with 2 mgs each of organic tumeric and ginger along with coconut oil, pepper and Spirulena. I avoid sugar, using only organic maple syrup. I did make some organic blueberry, unbleached flour scones, which I guess I’ll now how to freeze. Bummer. 🙂 Anyway, I’m defo going to try both the tea and gum, starting with the tea. Thanks for your article; much appreciated.
Dear Sylvie,
i am suffering from duodenal ulcer for past four months due to h pylori. I have read your blog and its quite useful. Meantime i have been using mastic gum for 1 month and some herbs , vegetables as part of eradicating. I am feeling alright for few days . Once i started having my food with rice, sweets,etc.And all my symptoms came back. Do i need to follow my strict diet , mastic gum for long time. will that ensure completely eradicating h pylori? . i am just afraid because this h pylori often comes back.
Is lemon water a bad idea as I’ve heard increasing acidity makes the h pylori go into hiding?
Kind regards
Supplementing with iacid s always a good idea, uness you are dealing with an active ulcer, then don’t.
Lemon water and even a lemon shot mid-meal is a good start. Supplementing with bitters, such as “centaurium” is also helpful. The idea is to stimulate your stomach to make more acid, and that way kill pylori. Taking one tsp freshly grated horseradish mid meal, then the lemon shot afterwards should take care of any biofilm (if present).
Shady M. Mansour I have those same problems and have gall bladder issues.
Greetings to the general public,I am from Philadelphia,i want to inform the public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Lusanda .i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how (drlusandaherbal@gmail.com) cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me through COURIER that i took and it seriously worked on me, am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Lusanda go God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and great men. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem, you can also reach him on personal email address, Drlusandaherbal@gmail.com
2. HERPES 1/2
4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
5. Herpatitis B
6.chronic pancreatitis
8.COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you for sharing your post with us. Me & My parents (both 60+ yrs) are diagnosed with h.p. they have not started the treatment as they health issues ( dad = mayocardial ischemia & stroke) and (mom = hypertensive & diabetic ).
I will be ordering tea for all of us. Just want to make sure that do we need to take it for 30 days or 60 days as in your post above it says 30 dats but in your comments you mentioned 60 days.
Your post has given me a hope (as I am super uncomfortable with the antibiotic treatment) and you and your family will always going to be in my thoughts and prayers 🙂
Hello Sylvie.
My online research on alternative treatment for gastritis and H Pylori led me to your blog.
I have been battling gastric discomfort for nearly 7 years now with no hope in sight. Was diagnosed with gastritis after an endoscopy andhave been on many triple therapies since then.
After a while I decided to ignore the pains and live with it until recently when I noticed the pains I have on the left side of my navel has travelled to the right side.
Tested positive for H Pylori recently and now have to go on another round of triple therapy which leaves me feeling sick and miserable and like… Not again! I’ve read that there are lots of natural remedies against this stubborn infection and I am looking forward to getting the tea and gum. We don’t have a lot of naturopathy practitioners where I’m from. Hope I can find a company that does international shipping. Fingers crossed.
hello mam my name is Akbar could you give me some advice its my second time that i get h pylori that last time when i had this h pylori it was so much pain on my abdominal this time i don’t have much pain.but day by day its getting worst again so what should i take if i don’t find those to products which you provided thank you mam
I’m so grateful to Dr Zuma for curing me with his Herbal medicine, now I’m free from cancer. I’m Ashley Johnson and I live in USA, I was diagnose with breast cancer 3 years ago, and ever since i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless., few weeks late a friend of mine direct me to Dr Zuma who help her to cure her cancer with his Herbal medicine and now she is free from cancer. Then I also contacted Dr Zuma and I am now here to testify that am no more a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my health after using Dr Zuma Herbal medicine. For all cancer patient that lives in the Australia,Europe and America region, get your healing from Dr Zuma and be free from cancer and he can also cure HIV/AIDS,HERPES,DIABETES,EPILEPSY,ASTHMA AND STROKE.contact him:drzumaherbalhome@outlook.com or drzumaherbalhome@gmail.com or his cell number +2348086816009
Meryem Mouhid Hi Meryem, it is getting better. I am using a mix of Mastic gum, Cat’s claw and Triphala…please note that H. Pylori is very tough and resilient..you need to compliment the treatment with beter balanced food as well..hope this was helpful..
Hi Tamer, did you have good results with mastic gum for h pilori? thanks
Interesting post
i suffered from recurring tonsilitis for more than A decade.
Closely monitored the symptoms and they all pointed to the monster “H pylori”
1)Tried 10 day thripple antibiotic worked perfectly until i “Ate” Pork on the 10th day.
All symptoms of H pylori returned.
Booked for a tonsilectomy thinking the problem was tonsils.
Got prescription pills and symptoms came back stronger.
Went for another appointment
Did an endscope and the doctor found nothing.
Doctor prescribed anti biotics and antacids worked well.
was cured for a few months and continued taking an antacid in the morning together with Apple cider vinegar.
Stopped taking the apple cider vinegar and all the symptopms are back.
Mustic gum capsules also helped.
Its important to research more and get tested first before trying to treat this bacteria.we all respond differently,so what may work for one person may not work for another.
I think Omeprazole worsens the symptoms
It’s so good to hear that you cured your H.Pylori! I just wanted to ask you how long it took?
Hi there I contacted H-Pylori since November. I have had two antibiotic treatments so far. I just finished the second treatment and some of my symptoms are coming back again. I don’t get tested for about a month and a half. Should I wait to get tested again to take the tea? Also do I absolutely have to do the Paleo diet in order for the tea to work? Or can I just eat some of the foods and eat health??
i can’t believe this is unbelievable how Dr ogbo cure my herpes simplex virus, since 6 year ago i was effected with HERPES VIRUS, and i have taking all manner of drugs prescribed to me from several doctors,but all my effort was wasted,i cry all the day thinking on how i can be cure, i lost all hope,so i was looking for solution for my health,but one faithful day, i was searching the internet i came across several testimonies about Dr ogbo, how he has cure so many effected lindividual,so i try and contact his email: Drogbospellhome1500@gmail.COM, and asked him for solution about my herpes virus and he started the preparation to my cure,to my greatest surprise after three week, i was totally cure by his powerful herbal medicine, i received from Dr ogbo,i never believe that i could be cure from my herpes simplex until i met Dr ogbo i’m very grateful to you Sir ogbo and i know your herbal medicine will save more million lives.and he cure all manner of disease like HIV, HERPES, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, DIABETES,thank you Sir ogbo for curing my herpes virus,his email Drogbospellhome1500@gmail.COM.
Thank you! I was on the antibiotic regime until I developed an allergy and had to stop. Ive been suffering from acid reflux ever since. I can’t wait to try this. Next to find a naturopathic Doctor!
Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir you can buy mastic gum, from ur country its called Arab gum, iits the gum collected from trees.
Hi Sylivie
this is ismail from pakistan i have checked for H pylori and it become positive. I want to use the Matula tea but how can i buy it i am leaving in a very back word area of pakistan. please help me for buying Matual tea
I had the same problem 6 years ago
Once i went for a treatment to the Doctor,,,Medicin and a lot of money
Than I went to another doctor last year because i had the same problem again
took once a day raw garlic ( crushed, leave it in the open for about 7 min.)
just swallow it down, eat Parsley afterwards so you dont smell 🙂
3 weeks later I was negative
Or :
Turmeric ( make Golden Paste which you can ” google ” it
I’m curious about this, too. I am definitely not a germophobe and definitely don’t want to have to be one!
Hi Sylvie, I have tested positive for SIBO and am waiting for my blood test results for h.pylori. I have a husband, 2 year old and a daily nanny (with two kids at home herself) in my household. Do they all need to get tested and treated? Also, once tested and treated, do I need to become a germophobe for the rest of my life? I heard h.pylori exists in over half of the worlds population. I would imagine you could get h.pylori many times over in the course of your life (i.e. kids at school, sharing a drink with a friend, extended family cooking etc.). How do you handle this?
I’m curious about this, too. I am definitely not a germophobe and definitely don’t want to have to be one!
Thanks Sylvie for sharing..I have been diagnosed with H Pylori back in October November 2015, had the antibiotic course for couple of weeks. Things went well..couple of months later I got the same symptoms..I will start Mastic Gum today!
Hi Tamer, did you have good results with mastic gum for h pilori? thanks
Meryem Mouhid Hi Meryem, it is getting better. I am using a mix of Mastic gum, Cat’s claw and Triphala…please note that H. Pylori is very tough and resilient..you need to compliment the treatment with beter balanced food as well..hope this was helpful..
Hi sylvie and hi to everyone as well…due to my pressure in head,chest ,heart and feeling heat in stomauch and other parts and plenty of bad mouth burping i went to see a gaestrologist a year backand i had an endoscopy and result came to be antral gastriris..and after than doctor told me u have small few bacteria in stomauch so he gave me some antibiotics and some medicines…and i completed my dose for antibiotics…and started drinking alcohol and smoking sometimes…and i felt same as before now..and still chest pain heat pain neck and jaw discmfort pressure head and i went to see a doctor and rite now i m out of my country rite now in fiji…and my blood test:FBC,AMYLASE,H.PYLORI was done..and everything was normal except h.pylori came to be negative..which doctor told me not to worry..its normal now a days and it can curable slowly…and prescribed me some medication like GAVISCON LIQUID AND (LOSEC 40 mg OMEPRAZOLE 40 mg)..and am i gonna get rid of these…please i need ur suggestions…☺☺
Maria, I’d have him check with his doctor but I would lean towards not doing everything at once. You can scroll down and read others’ experiences with antibiotics in case that helps.
My husband has h pylori and Is taking antiotics now. Could He still take The mastic gum and tea. Or He has to wait to finish The antibiotics to start The natural remedy
Maria, I’d have him check with his doctor but I would lean towards not doing everything at once. You can scroll down and read others’ experiences with antibiotics in case that helps.
Hello every one out there i am Ruben Mark by Name I am here to give thanks and also testify about a great Herbalist called Dr Lugard for the great work that he did for wen i was lifeless, he help me at the point of death wen all hope was gone I thought there was never going to get the cure for(HSV2)HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2 as i was told by the doctor, over 9 moths i has be on drugs to get rid of (HSV2) in my body, is not that easy to be taken drugs for months no cure. just last month i had some persons saying about natural herbs that cured (HSV1&2 HIV AIDs AND CANCER) i try to found out if it is was true about the cure so i called the herbalist called Dr Lugard to confirm if they are saying the truth about hes cure that they sheared about, i emailed him for some question and he told me that his herbs is 100% guaranteed that i should have trust in him and his work so that all my pains will be over for good and all i need to be alive about his cure it all come to my satisfaction also more evidence about his work. the moment after taking it for 2weeks, definitely his natural herbs cured my (HSV2). To all those out there that are passing true these virus pains you all just have to contact and also trust these Great Man called Dr Lugard To get his cure VIA HIS EMAILS AND MOBIL NUMBER ALSO (endofpainspelltemple@outlook.com or drlugardendofpainspelltemple@yahoo.com or endofpainspelltemple@gmail.com) You can also call him on these Mobile number +2347037098000 Tanks to you all out there wish you all good-luck
i was just diagnosed with h pylori and do NOT want to go the round of antibiotics. i’m plan to try your suggestion and drink the macula tea. is there anything else i need to do first? i will also be consulting a naturopath. my diet is fairly healthy but i’m going to have no drinks, very limited wheat and sugar till i kick this. hoping i won’t need to do the antibiotics. i’m not a fan and have rarely used them over the years – even when they’ve been prescribed.
Checking with your naturopath is the only first step you need 🙂 Would love to hear how it worked for you if you feel like sharing, Janis 🙂
Hollywood Homestead kefir is doing good till now. Today i had my breath test again and it was negative! some symptoms remain – not as worse as before, i.e., poop color changes, sometimes fatigue during the day, floating belly, and recently back pain; i assume this is a side effect of the so-heavy antibiotics i took.
Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir I believe the matula tea company will ship there. If not, look into a forwarding service like MyUS or Shop and Ship.
I like in UAE so I understand it’s difficult and not cheap. 🙂 But not impossible.
Shady, have you noticed whether the kefir (or other ferments) makes it worse or not? Could you possibly have SIBO as well as h pylori?
If you’re not familiar with SIBO I have a whole series here http://treatingsibo.com/
Maybe check out the “symptoms” post.
Please go see a doctor Estelle.
For me the matula tea was incredibly easy as I mention in detail in the post
Please go see a doctor Janie for your ulcer.
You’re welcome Azar
How can i get mastic gum and matula herbal in riyadh ksa? Amazon doesn’t exist in this country
Awesme stuff! thanks for sharing. of cours it’s not the best days when you have the symptoms – stomach bloating, weakeness, muscle sore (due to the amtibiotics) and other stuff. I was diagnosed with h pylori since 24 Jan 2016, took the amtibiotics for 2 weeks, felt very good at the same time tue mediciation was ending, but after a coule of days i started to feel the sode effects of the antibiotics; muscle sore was the main thing. Then the stomach bloat came back – not as before but with a bit n ease, overall weakness at some point, foggy mind and getting up off bed hardly – not mentining one time headache, one day feeling nausea, not hungry like before and that’s it. The doctor asked me to do the breathing test after 10 days from finishing the mediciation, and my breathng result came when i first did it with 200 – not sure how severe this is, any idea?
anyway, i started probiotic kfeir milk and i’m going to give it a try with the tea or the gum, whatever i find it here in Qatar. Thanks for sharing this positive experince with us.
Shady, have you noticed whether the kefir (or other ferments) makes it worse or not? Could you possibly have SIBO as well as h pylori?
If you’re not familiar with SIBO I have a whole series here http://treatingsibo.com/
Maybe check out the “symptoms” post.
Hollywood Homestead kefir is doing good till now. Today i had my breath test again and it was negative! some symptoms remain – not as worse as before, i.e., poop color changes, sometimes fatigue during the day, floating belly, and recently back pain; i assume this is a side effect of the so-heavy antibiotics i took.
Shady M. Mansour I have those same problems and have gall bladder issues.
hi, i was diagnosed with h pylori too and i’m in qatar. mine was something around 200/250 and i took the two weeks mediciation. felt better at the same time the mediciation was over, and after a couple of days; muscles sore, and then bloated stomach again – not like before though.
how’s it going with you now? and where are you following this up at?
i can use both the tea and mastic gum? or just one of them???
I think both simultaneously might be too much. I would go with one or the other, Jerry.
Hope that helps!- Sylvie
Thank you for sharing, I have a diaphragm rupture and I cant live like this anymore, will this help me at all? Please can you tell me
Please go see a doctor Estelle.
Whats the easy way to kill h phlori I’ve tooken antibiotis over and over and hate taking pills please help me
For me the matula tea was incredibly easy as I mention in detail in the post
thank you for leaning more me.
You’re welcome Azar
I have been diagnosed with h.pylori twice already I don’t want to go through the meds again I have an ulcer I have the burning and nausea and belching it’s horrible the side effects from the 3 pill duo is horrible stomach spasms and nausea all day I’m interested in this post just wondering does it work ?
Please go see a doctor Janie for your ulcer.
I have been struggling with Helicobacter since October 2015. 6 doctors later, they detected h pylori, reading was something like 3000. Finished my 7 day course treatment and 4 weeks later i had another test which seemed to only fall by 200. I am now taking another course of treatment. Reading this has given me some hope i can cure this ugly thing 🙂
Can matula tea be taken during pregnancy? h pylori totally flares up during pregnancy and causes severe indigestion and nausea. I’m hoping this tea can help me fight it.
Please check with your doctor.
love your post, thanks a lot, my brother have the symptoms of h pilori, he cant eat pasta, white bread it bothers his estomac, wondering if there is a food that you can eat like carbs, meat,,,,,,,without the pain,
a big thank
Hi Meryem,
Unfortunately with H. Pylori it’s not as simple as changing his diet. He will have to treat the H Pylori to get rid of it. Please have him see a doctor to get tested.
Hope he feels better soon,
Interesting! Thanks for sharing Linda!
I would consult your doctor Dominica, but my guess is you should do one or the other not both. Hope that helps!
Thanks Alice! Glad you like the posts. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for this advice, I will get the tea for my husband, and i will have some as well. My doctor told me that this infection can change your charecter, it had happened to several of his patients, one was even getting divorced!! It can make you feel like you cant be botherd to do much, get depressed, and cause brain fog. All this happened to my husband. As soon as he was on the antibiotics all these symptoms vanished!!.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing Linda!
Wow, thats news!
I have recently been diagnosed with H. pylori.
Would it be okay to take the antibiotics whilst taking either matric gum or the tea?
I would consult your doctor Dominica, but my guess is you should do one or the other not both. Hope that helps!
How can i get mastic gum and matula herbal in riyadh ksa? Amazon doesn’t exist in this country
Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir I believe the matula tea company will ship there. If not, look into a forwarding service like MyUS or Shop and Ship.
I like in UAE so I understand it’s difficult and not cheap. 🙂 But not impossible.
Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir you can buy mastic gum, from ur country its called Arab gum, iits the gum collected from trees.
Carol Lehmann Do you happen to know which test is most accurate for H. pylori, please?
Thank you for this article. I’m awaiting H. pylori test results, but it seems my likely culprit. I had been taking baby aspirin daily, never told that NSAIDS predispose people to H. pylori. I will ask for a naturopathic consult now–thank you! Just had to let you know how much I like your writing. You are a wonderful writer: your writing is clear, concise,, info-packed, and good- natured and cheerful! Looking forward to reading your other articles, for the pleasure of reading your writing, and learning more helpful info. Thanks again.
Thanks Alice! Glad you like the posts. Hope you feel better soon!
Trying to get into a gastroenterologist has been a pain. Booked out a month for new patients! I am confident I have h pylori. Thank you for this post. I noticed the dates on these posts and many of them wee from October/November 2015. October 28, 2015 was when I was woken up with horrible sharp stomach cramps…I wonder if there is a common thread with that time of year? Is it this year’s version of the flu?
My guess would be that it’s coincidence Kristin. I hope you feel better soon!
Please check with your doctor, Millie. I wouldn’t take it all at once.
My guess would be that it’s coincidence Kristin. I hope you feel better soon!
10 million units/individual organisms…not strains. Strains is akin to species and there aren’t that many different types.
Paula Raices I tried several different probiotics over a period of years and I never detected any benefits. Then one day I decided to try “Dr. Stephen Langer’s Ultimate 16 Strain Probiotic” from SwansonVitamins.com.
I was stunned by how quickly I saw improvments.
After struggling for years with a full body fungal infestation that included constant itching, hair loss and skin eruptions, after just three days of taking two capsules twice a day, the symptoms had reduced by at least 90%.
I’m going to try the Matula and Gum and see if I can finally put an end to to it all.
If iam presently taking antibiotics “PYLERA” for second time can i take mastic gum & tea at the same time
Please check with your doctor, Millie. I wouldn’t take it all at once.
Hi Sylvie,
been “battling'” gas and belching all day everyday for 2 months now..Dr had treated me for “gerd” by having me do 14 days of Prilosec and then Dexilant 15 days…no improvement…I am now 3 weeks away from a gastroenterologist consult. I feel o have hpylori or possibly hiatal hernia(but I think acid reducer would have helped if it was hernia)..my question, do you think there is any “harm” in starting mastic gum prior to any true diagnosis.. assuming my gastro Dr can find something(hpylori)? Also, any side effects from mastic gum? I am super weary of introducing new things to my body..Thank You!
Hi Anthony,
Sorry to hear it’s been so rough… I can definitely relate! I think if you start treatment now you’ll likely interfere with the diagnosis. Most H.Pylori tests require you to wait a couple of weeks after treatment to retest as well. If you can, I’d hold off and see the doc since you have that coming up soon so you can discuss what the best course of action for you is. If the G.I. isn’t super helpful (some of them don’t take h pylori very seriously) you may want to see a naturopath.
Hope that helps and happy new year!
Hi Gloria Toole to have a stool sample it’s expensive here and my doctor wouldn’t do it.
A blood test can show a false positive after the H pylori is eradicated because of antigens still in the blood. A breath test or a stool test is much more reliable, certainly after treatment for H pylori. I’m not too keen on the radioactive stuff either. You may want to consider a H pylori test using a stool sample. Much more reliable than the blood test.
Brandon Krieger
Just purchased matula tea, hope it cures the H.Pylori.
I hope you feel better soon Eddie! Let us know how it goes if you’d like 🙂
Brandon Krieger Bummer the doc wasn’t helpful! :/ Perhaps you can find another one in the meantime so you can order the test for after the protocol.
Glad you’re starting to feel better so quickly!
Thank you Hollywood Homestead I started the protocol on Friday and now Sunday I feel so much better. The doctor I went and saw, like so many I have taked to don’t believe in supplements. He wanted me to go an antibotics which I don’t trust, as well he wanted me to do the breathing test which has radioactive material in it, which he knew about. This is why sometimes it’s better to treat yourself because the medical community doesn’t know or care about real health.
Brandon Krieger up to you and your doc (I tested before starting the protocol, but I treated the rest of my family without testing because of the high likelihood that they had it).
You could also take the test on monday and go ahead and start the protocol. Even if it takes 3 weeks to know at least you’d know you’re on the right track (or the wrong one) without having to wait to finish the protocol (or possibly do the protocol more than once if it’s severe) and then retest.
Hope your pain is relieved quickly!
I picked up the AOR Mastric Chios (Mastric Gum) today. I went to the doctors to try to get the H.Pylori blood test and the labs are not going to be open until Monday and it takes up to 3 weeks to get the results. Should I start the protocol prior to knowing? I feel I have all the symptoms that are explained and it is so painful
I think I might have H.Pylori, I have all the symptoms from what has been mentioned. I was wondering if I do the protocol of Mastic Gum without being tested would that cause any ill effects? Or should I find a natural path in the area and get tested?
I picked up the AOR Mastric Chios (Mastric Gum) today. I went to the doctors to try to get the H.Pylori blood test and the labs are not going to be open until Monday and it takes up to 3 weeks to get the results. Should I start the protocol prior to knowing? I feel I have all the symptoms that are explained and it is so painful
Brandon Krieger up to you and your doc (I tested before starting the protocol, but I treated the rest of my family without testing because of the high likelihood that they had it).
You could also take the test on monday and go ahead and start the protocol. Even if it takes 3 weeks to know at least you’d know you’re on the right track (or the wrong one) without having to wait to finish the protocol (or possibly do the protocol more than once if it’s severe) and then retest.
Hope your pain is relieved quickly!
Thank you Hollywood Homestead I started the protocol on Friday and now Sunday I feel so much better. The doctor I went and saw, like so many I have taked to don’t believe in supplements. He wanted me to go an antibotics which I don’t trust, as well he wanted me to do the breathing test which has radioactive material in it, which he knew about. This is why sometimes it’s better to treat yourself because the medical community doesn’t know or care about real health.
Brandon Krieger Bummer the doc wasn’t helpful! :/ Perhaps you can find another one in the meantime so you can order the test for after the protocol.
Glad you’re starting to feel better so quickly!
Brandon Krieger
A blood test can show a false positive after the H pylori is eradicated because of antigens still in the blood. A breath test or a stool test is much more reliable, certainly after treatment for H pylori. I’m not too keen on the radioactive stuff either. You may want to consider a H pylori test using a stool sample. Much more reliable than the blood test.
Hi Gloria Toole to have a stool sample it’s expensive here and my doctor wouldn’t do it.
Links to buy the product doesn’t work. Is everyone having same issue?
well u should mention again the brain and body connection is very real , STRESS is a big factor, I had stomach attacks back last spring when the baltimore rialsoots went down, and again after the attacks in paris two weeks ago, when u go to the ER do NOT let them test u with the swallow the tube thing as u will NEVER get that six foot tube down your nose and do NOT swallow the radio active dye stuff as it is VERY toxic to the system, u must request a blood test from the nurse to identify the pylori bugs, it bothers me when i lay horizontal during sleep and sometimes i have to wake up way early to eat a bananana and milk, some have said to avoid milk as it prompts an acid release but that is very hard for people who drink a lot of milk as i do, like a quart a day often, in the past i have just used the cherry flavoured pink bismuth liquid known as pepto bizmo, also drink lots of water thru out the day to dilute stomach acid, i am going to try the DSL licorice tab ad they are said to be safe with no side fx also am going to try cranberry juice but it is a bitter brew, so must sugar it down good. i dont like to fool with anti bios as they risk heavy die-ah-ree-ahhhh and that really dehydrates the body of electrolytes, during the day exercise does help even if you just make the effort to walk a few miles or job for five minutes, also foods like oatmeal granola bars are good to eat and mashed potatoes but watch the salt its very hard to cut out sugar so if i eat cookies i just try to follow with a cup of water to dilute it
Ohio St Univ
Hello this reply was inspired by Todd’s post in particular. I am NOT a doctor but have suffered with stomach/digestive problems for about 3 yrs. I live in France where it’s very difficult to get access to many natural products and medicins. I have given up gluten which helps a bit but now think starch is a problem? I use buckwheat flour for cakes, pancakes and bread and it works very well. I also drink “tea” made from lemon or lime juice, ginger pieces and honey or another with apple cider vinegar and honey. Both stop acid stomach within a few mins. Also kale, brocoli and buttermilk/live yoghurt make my stomach say thanks. I don’t eat ANY prepared foods and find it better to eat often and little. When my stomach is bad I rub home-made ginger oil on it before bed. Make this by putting all skin cut off ginger before making tea in a jar with olive or grapeseed oil, keep in the dark for a few weeks- keep adding till it’s full and then when it smells strongly gingery, strain. This oil also helps with headaches and colds. It sounds complicated but is very easy. I have come to the conclusion that it’s just a question of common sense and our grandmother’s generation would never have had these problems as they ate more naturally. PS- make your own buckwheat cookies and try almond or rice milk? I guess you’re busy but a couple of hours a week to prepare in advance is worth it. It’s not even more expensive. Good luck
For a 5 year old, can the mastic gum capsules be opened and poured into a liquid? Would the tea be better and how does it taste?
I got my blood result..positive h.pylori 5.
The doctor prescribed me antibiotics which I am taking now. I would like to try both methods but I an in Qatar. I don’t know the rules about importation here. Do you think it will pass through.
hi, i was diagnosed with h pylori too and i’m in qatar. mine was something around 200/250 and i took the two weeks mediciation. felt better at the same time the mediciation was over, and after a couple of days; muscles sore, and then bloated stomach again – not like before though.
how’s it going with you now? and where are you following this up at?
Hi Sylvie,
I have been positive with H pylori since 2009. I tried all the combinations of antibiotics, i never managed to finish them! I bought pylera from France because it is not licensed in Uk. Today was my first day. I tried to cope with the sides effects from the first dose, but when I had a second doze I felt terrible and was very sick. Eventhough, i was feeling weak, i started looking on the net for another alternative I heard about Mastika before, but have not tried it.
Is there any sides effect of Mastika?
Thanks a lot
Hi Slyvie
I had diagnose for h.pylori positive since April 2015, and treating for triple treatment of 2 typ of antibiotic and 1 ppi ..my 1 week of treatment ill feel better,, but my 1 week remaining i feel weak..the doctor advice me to continue omeprazole for 10 days..but still weak,,then another 2 weeks.. then i stop for 2 week no PPI … I went to another gastro doctor for endoscopy and biopsy my result have gastrtis and doudenitis mild imflamation and negative for h.pylori..medication for 1 month pantropazole ,,but not totally cure,,then i test for stool also negative result for h.pylori two times,,but this month of Nov. 2015 ,, another advise for blood test and the results ws positive for h.pylori.. is this accurate for blood test since 6 months ago my previous medication.. and now I JUST FINISHED my another treatment for antibiotic.. i fell upset in my stomach,,my worried is about candida infecton because i was read on internet the side effect of taking antibiotic..
And how about ill try this natural mastic gum or matula tea even I already taken triple medicine, Is no interaction possibly?
Hi Jester,
I would recommend you see a naturopathic doctor before stacking any more protocols on top of what you’ve already done. I truly hope you feel better soon.
hi Sylvie,
my brother have h pilori, do you think the matula tea is strong enough to killthis nasty bacteria? how many cups of matula tea do you drink daily? is it a 30 days treatment? can you use mustic gum after the matula tea to make sure eradicating h pilori? thanks a million
HI Sylvie,
I had taken the vegetarian Mastic Gum capsules that has white and light green colour.I bought it from a Health and Beauty shop.
Thank you.
So did you buy a separate case for EACH family member? Each of you drank a glass of it AM & PM for 30 days? Who tested you for the H Pylori was it a homeopathic doctor or traditional PCP? Considering asking our doctor for a celiac test and H Pylori test for my 5 year old who seems to have reflux and now low iron as well. That stuff is expensive though! I know the ped gastro she saw does a breath test for H Pylori but not sure for kids…I think her ped would think I am crazy for requesting these tests & not even sure if she can do them lol. I wish there were more naturopaths around here who would at least know what I’m talking about.
Hi B,
I detailed most of that in the post above. Yes, except for the toddlers they did half a dose. It was a naturopath that ordered the tests. I did not test the toddlers but did test my teen and husband after treatment.
Hope that helps!
I agree, naturopaths are the way to go. Most MDs will think you’ve lost your marbles 🙂
Michael Durrant Michael Durrant I really appreciate that. I totally get the resistance to alternative medicine. (plenty of BS out there) wink emoticon I honestly raised my eyebrows when my doc first mentioned tea as I was readily expecting to need hardcore antibiotics.
Hope the tea works out for you!
Michael Durrant I really appreciate that. I totally get the resistance to alternative medicine. (plenty of BS out there) 😉 I honestly raised my eyebrows when my doc first mentioned tea as I was readily expecting to need hardcore antibiotics.
Hope the tea works out for you!
Hollywood Homestead I’m generally not a fan of “alternative medicine” (if it’s a reliable treatment/cure, we call it medicine) but if you are going to try herbal remedies and the like, the above is some of the best advice I’ve heard. Be scientific about it – like troubleshooting any problem, don’t throw too many variables in to the mix. You want to know what does the trick.
I’m going to try the tea first as it appears to be the most accessible. I’m concernred about my TH1/TH2 immunity composition and possible aggravation by green tea.
Nathan, I think that’s probably overkill. I would start with one treatment and if necessary to retreat (if you have an agressive case) and you want to give the second treatment a try then move on to that. Hope that helps!
Do you think it would be safe to try both the matula tea and the mastic gum cleanse at the same time ?
Nathan, I think that’s probably overkill. I would start with one treatment and if necessary to retreat (if you have an agressive case) and you want to give the second treatment a try then move on to that. Hope that helps!
Hollywood Homestead I’m generally not a fan of “alternative medicine” (if it’s a reliable treatment/cure, we call it medicine) but if you are going to try herbal remedies and the like, the above is some of the best advice I’ve heard. Be scientific about it – like troubleshooting any problem, don’t throw too many variables in to the mix. You want to know what does the trick.
I’m going to try the tea first as it appears to be the most accessible. I’m concernred about my TH1/TH2 immunity composition and possible aggravation by green tea.
Michael Durrant Michael Durrant I really appreciate that. I totally get the resistance to alternative medicine. (plenty of BS out there) wink emoticon I honestly raised my eyebrows when my doc first mentioned tea as I was readily expecting to need hardcore antibiotics.
Hope the tea works out for you!
You’re so welcome Karen! Hope it helps you!
Thanks for sharing Bimp Nissy!
I wish you all the best!
I honestly don’t know. Please check with your doctor
Please see a doctor immediately.
I honestly don’t know. Please check with your doctor
HI I might have H Pylori, will get tested and try the natural remedies but I have 2 questions Where can I buy the natural remedies????? and which one will be the best probiotic I can buy???right now I am taking from Life Extension brand Can you answer me to my email please isolinasantiago@yahoo.com
thanks I Santiago
The 2 remedies I recommend are linked in the post above. Please scroll up.
yes but where do I buy these products????what is the web site???
All of that info is above in the post. Please read it and click the links to find the sites.
Have had Hpylori 4 times, did triple and quadruple therapy,( which was awful) and i am just as sick now as i was the first time, if fact i was so sick this last time some people , including myshelf thought I was going to die . Serveral trips to the emergency room and two hospital stays (lost 30 lbs in one month). I finished this round using “Pylera” 2 weeks ago and now I am sick again.Any help?
Please see a doctor immediately.
Hello!I am also intersted if I can take either treatment while breastfeeding.Thank you!
I honestly don’t know. Please check with your doctor
I have just come from my GP surgery having been told I have H Pylori after having blood tests a few weeks ago. She wrote me a script (which I did not get filled) for 2 antibiotics and Omeprazole. I have come straight home to find out if there was a natural cure for this and came across your website. Thank you for sharing this information, I will be getting the tea and changing my diet for sure!
You’re so welcome Karen! Hope it helps you!
Are the matula and Mastic safe when breastfeeding? Thanks
I honestly don’t know. Please check with your doctor
Hi, which probiotic did you use? Thanks
I had H Pylori 3 years ago and did the first round antibiotics and it was still present. I felt AWFUL on the antibiotics and wanted to try a natural way. I did mastic gum and bought the best probiotic I could find. I was retested a month later and it was gone. I have lived on probiotics and digestive enzymes since. I will say when I went back the second time the doctor asked how did you get rid of this, I told him what I had tried. His response, I should have recommended you take a probiotic along with the antibiotics. If you have a naturopath in your area, I highly recommend speaking to them and see what can be done. I also should say I stayed on a clean diet and stayed away from any foods that would cause my stomach to be inflamed like dairy, acidic or spicy foods. Wishing you all great success.
Hi, which probiotic did you use? Thanks
Thanks for sharing Bimp Nissy!
I have been on three courses of antibiotics. The third and most gruelling of which, had me doubled over in pain for weeks – and the Dr didn’t want to let me stop, but I felt as if I was being ridden over by a military truck! Forced to stop. I am now on Liquorice tablets, L Glutamine capsules, raw honey and 10 million strain probiotic – hoping for the best…
I wish you all the best!
10 million units/individual organisms…not strains. Strains is akin to species and there aren’t that many different types.
I had taken two antibiotics and omeprazole for one week to treat helicobacter pylori but the symptoms became worst. I bought Mastic Gum 500mg and had two capsules every night before bed for 30 days,no good results.
Hi Sara, The is many didderent kind of mastic gums. Which one are taking it?
very wonder post and lot of thanks for comments as well, i had h plylori tested since very long may be 10years but till now had lot of treatments of antiboitics but of no cure, will try this suggested natural way of treatment
Hope it helps, Farooqi!
Sorry to hear that Nicky! Would love to know if the antibiotics help for your stubborn case. Hope you feel better soon! -Sylvie
I have had two month long treatments of Matula tea, and H.Pylori is still detected. The second time around I had my husband do it too. We did it absolutely faithfully and didn’t skip a dose. I’m probably going to have to go the antibiotic route now to kick this thing to the curb.
Sorry to hear that Nicky! Would love to know if the antibiotics help for your stubborn case. Hope you feel better soon! -Sylvie
I’m currently working with my naturopath for my h. Pylori treatment and, surprisingly none of these were suggested. Instead, I’m taking HCL to rebuild my stomach acid as well as bismuth and lithium to help eradicate the bacteria. It’s been over a month and I still feel awful, so I plan to discuss these with her when I follow up. Thank you!
My question to you: were you one of the lucky few of us with symptoms beforehand? I ask because I wonder how you felt during treatment? I have some days where I feel all heartburny or bloated or constipated and I’m not sure if it’s because the treatment isn’t working or if it’s a die off effect like candida has.
I have found that I simply cannot eat a bunch of things right now, particularly starches and in overall feeling better now that I’ve eliminated them (already Paleo), but some days are still sucky suck and I’ve also gained quite a lot of weight that I can’t seem to shed now. *sigh* rant over. 🙂
Hi Kate!
I had some digestive troubles like acid reflux, gas and bloating some of which were probably attributed to SIBO more than H.Pylori but we happened to test this first so it’s what I tackled first. Because you mentioned bloating and constipation, as well as the starch thing, I’m just wondering if you’ve tested for SIBO. I wrote a whole series about it here if you want to read more about that: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/treating-sibo/
Hope that helps and hope you feel better soon!
I’ve actually been assuming the other symptoms were related to the low stomach acid, but I’ve been hearing SIBO come up more and more lately! I’ll check it out, thank you!
Sure thing Kate!
Hollywood Homestead Sure will, Thank you.
Hi Ricardo,
You’re welcome!
You can stick to the diet you’re currently on during treatment unless your doctor tells you differently.
Good luck on your treatment! And keep us posted on how it goes if you’d like.
Best to you,
Jennetta Alden
The only protocols I have any experience with are the ones I wrote about so unfortunately I can’t say on the protocol you’re on.
I totally understand your frustration with your doc not being helpful (been there, done that!) but I would suggest you look into a naturopath and ask if they’ve dealt with this issue before before you even book the appointment.
If you’ve been DIYing treatment for 3 years and not getting results, it’s time to bring in a pro to help you. That’s my 2 cents.
Hope that helps!
Hi Angela,
If the GERD is caused by H Pylori then yes, by eliminating the problem you’ll eliminate the symptons. The relief will likely not be as instant as if you were treating symptoms alone but longer lasting and more effective in the long term.
If your stool test was negative it’s possible you don’t have it and have a different issue… Or as Carol mentioned false negative is a possibility.
You might want to ask your doc what he/she thinks of treating H Pylori anyway (despite the negative test) and see if that yields any results.
If you retest, make sure you follow the prep instructions closely (As to what meds to avoid beforehand etc) to ensure as accurate results as possible.
Hope that helps!
Hey Angela!
Just repeating my answer here in case someone else is also wondering: No, I don’t think that would work unfortunately. The treatment is 1 box per person. I did split a box between my toddlers since I treated the whole household even though I didn’t test them. That was the advice I got from my doc so you’ll want to run it by yours just to be safe.
Hope that helps!
Thank you for this guide, I been dealing with HP for a while too, I had the Prevpac that didn’t kill the bacteria, but it did left bad side effects, Now Im taking some Probiotic to restore the flora in my guts, and I’m about to try the Mastic gum. I just have one question if yo can answer it please. Do I have to follow an specific diet while I do the 30 days?
Hi Ricardo,
You’re welcome!
You can stick to the diet you’re currently on during treatment unless your doctor tells you differently.
Good luck on your treatment! And keep us posted on how it goes if you’d like.
Best to you,
Hollywood Homestead Sure will, Thank you.
Sylvie, thanks for sharing your journey. Mastic gum made me nauseaous so I would love to try the tea. Would I be able to split one month’s supply between myself and my husband? In other words, would it still work if I brewed one cup for both of us with double the water or if we drank half a cup each? Thanks.
Hey Angela!
Just repeating my answer here in case someone else is also wondering: No, I don’t think that would work unfortunately. The treatment is 1 box per person. I did split a box between my toddlers since I treated the whole household even though I didn’t test them. That was the advice I got from my doc so you’ll want to run it by yours just to be safe.
Hope that helps!
Stool tests have a high rate of “false negative” results. ie they don’t show you have H. pylori when in actual fact you do.
I too have had Hpylori for about 3 and have tried the antibiotics. They made me so sick, i had to call my sister from 60 miles away to come and stay with me because the medication made me so weak. My question is this: I just had test done and the stool test said I did not have HPylori but the endoscope said I did. Whats up with that? I also have a cronic pain disorder, Fibro along with Gastritis and other gut problems. I take PPI daily and it just does not seem to be working anymore. Would the gum or tea help with GERDS as well. thanks
Stool tests have a high rate of “false negative” results. ie they don’t show you have H. pylori when in actual fact you do.
Hi Angela,
If the GERD is caused by H Pylori then yes, by eliminating the problem you’ll eliminate the symptons. The relief will likely not be as instant as if you were treating symptoms alone but longer lasting and more effective in the long term.
If your stool test was negative it’s possible you don’t have it and have a different issue… Or as Carol mentioned false negative is a possibility.
You might want to ask your doc what he/she thinks of treating H Pylori anyway (despite the negative test) and see if that yields any results.
If you retest, make sure you follow the prep instructions closely (As to what meds to avoid beforehand etc) to ensure as accurate results as possible.
Hope that helps!
Carol Lehmann Do you happen to know which test is most accurate for H. pylori, please?
I bought my matula tea a long time ago a year or two ago, am very worried of always trying new form of meds so my question is there anything i should be worried about when taking the te? And can the tea go ab? I heared tea cant go bad but this medical tea so can it go bad?
Hi Jonathon,
I’m not sure what the shelf life is and how (if at all) that affects efficacy. Please contact the company just in case.
Best to you!
A traditional Chinese medicine doctor yes. I have a family peacticioner who I go to to get my tests from, but aside from being able to use my insurance to get free lab work done, she is pretty useless in helping me. I diagosed this thing on my own.
3 years is a long time to be suffering. As for how long you will see results on the protocol you’re currently on, I can’t say. Are you under the care of a practitioner?
I have had h Pylori for ATLEAST 3 years (although I think I’ve been suffering from it ever since I was a teenager). I have a lot of weird symptoms, though. Weight gain, hormonal issues, hair falling out, IBS and intense bloating after eating any food, fatigue. I just started taking H-PLR (K-32) herbs from Apex energetics. I also take matula honey, probiotics and a cocktail of some other herbs such as cranberry, zinc, and licorice root for gut healing. I’m just wondering how long it will take to start noticing results. I have tried so many things to cure myself over the past 3 years that I’m always pesimistic that a treatment will actually work.
3 years is a long time to be suffering. As for how long you will see results on the protocol you’re currently on, I can’t say. Are you under the care of a practitioner?
A traditional Chinese medicine doctor yes. I have a family peacticioner who I go to to get my tests from, but aside from being able to use my insurance to get free lab work done, she is pretty useless in helping me. I diagosed this thing on my own.
Jennetta Alden
The only protocols I have any experience with are the ones I wrote about so unfortunately I can’t say on the protocol you’re on.
I totally understand your frustration with your doc not being helpful (been there, done that!) but I would suggest you look into a naturopath and ask if they’ve dealt with this issue before before you even book the appointment.
If you’ve been DIYing treatment for 3 years and not getting results, it’s time to bring in a pro to help you. That’s my 2 cents.
Hope that helps!
Think if it on a long-term budget. Taking the probiotics cause stomach damage, and you will probably get infected again or have to take other meds to heal the damage from the antibiotics, and then take more medicine to heal THAT medicine, and so on….
Totally. Although I have to say h.pylori was so much less expensive to get rid of naturally than some of the other things I’ve had to tackle like sibo! https://hollywoodhomestead.com/treating-sibo/
matula tea and Mastic gum are herbal? If yes can ypu tell me where they available in Pakistan?
I have no idea where they’re available in Pakistan. Sorry :/
Now if only there was a natural, *cheap* way to treat it. :'( Sucks when the antibiotic regimen prescribed is less money than the natural stuff….
Totally. Although I have to say h.pylori was so much less expensive to get rid of naturally than some of the other things I’ve had to tackle like sibo! https://hollywoodhomestead.com/treating-sibo/
Think if it on a long-term budget. Taking the probiotics cause stomach damage, and you will probably get infected again or have to take other meds to heal the damage from the antibiotics, and then take more medicine to heal THAT medicine, and so on….
Hello my name is Ahsa Durrow from united state of America and I want to thank rick simpson and the entire management of ricksimpsonmedicalservices for their life saving cannabis oil that cured my Dad’s thyroid cancer,the doctor told us there was little he could since despite all the chemo and radiation,he wasn’t responding to treatment.so a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this cannabis oil from rick simpson medicals services which he said rick has been helping patients fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a try,so far my Dad is improving very well and presently he can walk around the house all by himself.i felt it’s necessary i let others especially those suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good cannabis oil,it can really give a second chance at life.if you happen to be in dying need of this cannabis oil,you can contact the foundation who supplied us with this email:ricksimpsoncannaoilservice@gmail.com,For more information and the delivering process.
Emanuele Manco You’re welcome!
Hollywood Homestead Thanks for the advice!
I don’t think so Emanuele. I think you’d have to treat the Candida separately with something like Candidastat plus a biofilm disruptor (like Interphase Plus).
Do you think it might be helpful also for other kind of bacteria beside the Helicobacter Pylori, like for instance, the Candida Albicans? I’m diagnosed with both.
I don’t think so Emanuele. I think you’d have to treat the Candida separately with something like Candidastat plus a biofilm disruptor (like Interphase Plus).
Hollywood Homestead Thanks for the advice!
Emanuele Manco You’re welcome!
Glad it was helpful, Linda!
Hi imtested for h pylori and among other foods(mostly processed food),when i eat popcorn,i feel uneasy.Do i treat have to treat my gut too or its all part of the symptoms of h pylori thing.Thanks so much for posting this
Hi Fidel,
If you’re having digestive symptoms I would recommend staying away from processed foods as much as possible. Treat h. pylori and move towards a more real food based diet and see how you feel after a few months. It’s possible that alone will heal your body or you may have another issue or two. I would start with what you know now so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Hope that helps,
Great timing! I have afriend that needs this info!
Glad it was helpful, Linda!
Glad you loved the article! My 3 ebooks are available here: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/shop/
I am so appreciative of those like myself who I managed to eradicate Hpylori. Cheer! Loved the article. Where can I get your book? I’d share these tips with the members of my Hpylori Help Desk on Facebook.
Glad you loved the article! My 3 ebooks are available here: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/shop/
Will natural treatments as discussed throughout these discussions still work for someone who had had h pylori for many years? Thank you for these posts, very helpful and informative x
Hi Carl,
Yes, they will but it may take more than one round/course. If you’ve had it for many years I’d check with your doc as to what they feel is the best course of action in your case.
Glad it was helpful!
Silvie – thankyou – two days in 1055 count – these tips are fantastic
You’re welcome! Glad it helped. 🙂
Dear Sylvie, I have been diagnosed with H.pylori(Endoscopy test). My kids are 7 and 9 yrs old, do I need to get them tested and my wife? I am having Mastic Gum for 3 weeks and planning to get tested again.
Hi Mel,
I would either test them or go ahead and treat them and test afterwards. The latter is what I did with my family (with the matula tea).
Hope that helps!
Hi Jan, Sorry to hear you’re feeling awful. Hope you find some relief soon.
I bet that many people can’t knock out H.Pylori because they eat a high meat diet. Livestock are pumped full of hormones and anti biotics–which could lessen the effectiveness of anti biotic treatment.
I am going to fiish my anti biotics in 5 days. If the bacteria is still present I will order the tea and matic gum.
I am taking 3 anti biotics for H. Pylori. They are making me feel awful and they give me horrible diaharrea. I also take 3 meds for heart disease including asprin (yes I know bleeding) and as I have ulcerative colitis (in remisson) I have to take a form of asacol for the rest of my life. I am frightened to try the natural way but I am so sick of all these meds. I am sure they re making me more sick.
Hi Jan, Sorry to hear you’re feeling awful. Hope you find some relief soon.
Dear Sylvie,
How can I get tested for h pylori?
Can I eat corn (popcorn popped in coconut oil)?
Kind regards
Hi Inge,
You need to ask your doctor to be tested. Popcorn shouldn’t affect h pylori one way or the other but if you have leaky gut or would like to focus on gut healing in general I would suggest keeping things like popcorn to a minimum for now.
Hope that helps,
Glad you liked the post and the site 🙂 As for the honey it was just raw local honey from the farmer’s market but I don’t think it would make a huge difference when it comes to the h pylori. I didn’t sweeten my tea (only the kids’ tea) because I prefer tea unsweetened most of the time and it was surprisingly a pleasant taste. 🙂 Hope that helps!
Has anyone heard of using ozonated olive oil to treat H Pylori? I was just diagnosed with it as well along with adrenal fatigue. I am hoping that treating the H Pylori will help with healing the adrenals. I have the Matula Tea on my counter along with Pylori Plex(Mastic gum). Contemplating which one to start first.
Thanks for this site. I appreciate reading about your success with the tea. I think I am going to give it to my whole family as will. I have 3 kids. Did you use Manuka honey or just local in the tea?
Glad you liked the post and the site 🙂 As for the honey it was just raw local honey from the farmer’s market but I don’t think it would make a huge difference when it comes to the h pylori. I didn’t sweeten my tea (only the kids’ tea) because I prefer tea unsweetened most of the time and it was surprisingly a pleasant taste. 🙂 Hope that helps!
Yes and yes, it’s very possible. Gut stuff showing up on the skin is very very common. My ebook thegelatinsecret.com has a good deal of gut/skin connection info. If H. Pylori is confirmed that would be the first thing to deal with.
Hi Lauren! Glad it was helpful! I waited a couple of weeks after finishing the protocol to retest just to let things settle (and not have a false negative). I would ask your doc what time frame they recommend retesting in for you to be sure. Hope that helps!
Hi Sylvie. Thank you so much for posting this info on H.Pylori. I too, was diagnosed positive last week ( had a stool test confirm with same lab as you) and was prescribed the triple pack of antibiotics for 10 days and was told by my dr ( who had it himself, once) that it was very hard to erradicate. I have been doing natural medicine for many years and was hesitant to take the antibiotic but I went ahead and filled the prescription. Thankfully before taking them
I decided to do some research online for a natural way to kill it. I found your blog 2 nights ago and ordered the tea immediately. It should be here in a few days. I am SO grateful to you and I am SO excited to get started. I will re-test after 30 days of the tea. Can you tell me if I can re-test immediately after I am done with the tea? I noticed that your first stool test was done in Sept. ’13 but you didn’t re-test until Feb. of ’14. I know that it takes about 3 weeks to get the test results back plus one month on the tea, so I was wondering if you waited for a reason? Thanks again!!!!!!
Hi Lauren! Glad it was helpful! I waited a couple of weeks after finishing the protocol to retest just to let things settle (and not have a false negative). I would ask your doc what time frame they recommend retesting in for you to be sure. Hope that helps!
yes i will follow your advice, i will wait for two weeks after completion of treatment then i will retest.
Thanks sylvie 🙂 , i wish i will post good news about my case ,god willing.
Hellosylvie , many thanks for your efforts to help us,
i have been diagonised by H.pylori the last week , i am planning to order the matula tea but i have an inquiry.
in case i have high levels of H. pylori which is stubborn case as you mentioned so i will ask for another tea package , the waiting period may take long time , meaning that the treatment process is not continuous or intermittent. i believe that the h.pylori can multiply again hence the treatment will be useless!!
i just want to know your opinion , i know that you`re not a doctor.
kind regards
Hi Mohammed,
I understand your concern. You might want to tell the company about your high levels to see what they recommend. If you already know you will need longer treatment I would order that from the start so you don’t have to wait. Either way, I don’t think it will be useless. There’s no way you’ll be back where you started that quickly. Hope that helps!
Thanks sylvie for your feedback. but i just have been diagonised by stool analysis which as you know doesnt give the percentage or the levels of H.P& just give positive or negative..so i just suppose in case the month treatment by tea didnt came its hoped results and forced to wait another package of tea .. in that case i think the H.P will multiply again ..that`s my standpoint i wish you get me..i think i will suppose the worst case and order two packets of tea ,,but that will cost me alot !!!
Yes I totally understand what you’re saying. It’s completely up to you if to order 1 case or 2 but don’t worry too much about the gap in between treatments. It really won’t multiply as fast as you think. Just make sure to follow the directions as to how long to wait after treatment to retest. Wishing you the best!
I have just recently read that H. pylori is also associated with skin dysfunctions like alopecia, rosacia, psoriasis and exema. Have you heard about that association? If so, do people have this infection for decades without knowing?
Yes and yes, it’s very possible. Gut stuff showing up on the skin is very very common. My ebook thegelatinsecret.com has a good deal of gut/skin connection info. If H. Pylori is confirmed that would be the first thing to deal with.
Hello, I’m Nehemia from Tanzania. I’m wondering how can I get the Matula Tea and Mastic gum here in Tanzania.
Hi Nehemia,
Unfortunately I don’t know. Please contact the company linked in the article above.
yup! That’s why I treated my entire household as I mentioned in the post. I didn’t even bother testing them because the likelihood of them having it was pretty good.
Because of the fact that H. Pylori could be spread through saliva wouldn’t it be necessary for your partner to do the same detox? Since you most likely gave it to them and they could just as easily transfer it back to you after the detox. I’m asking because my girlfriend has H. Pylori and ulcers and we want to get rid of it completely but I’m scared of giving it back to her.
yup! That’s why I treated my entire household as I mentioned in the post. I didn’t even bother testing them because the likelihood of them having it was pretty good.
Deron Rodriguez no she hasn’t written about it unfortunately but if you check out the comments here you might find some helpful insight on it
How long did you wait after the 30 days to get re tested? Thanks!
Hi Liz, If I remember correctly I waited 2 weeks but your doc and the lab will definitely tell you how long to wait. Hope that helps!
I was wondering if your friend that used the Mastic Gum has shared his experience anywhere? I would love to read how he used it and how his body reacted to it as he went through the treatment.
Hi Deron,
If I remember correctly their guarantee is that they’ll send you another box if it didn’t work because every once in a while there’s a tough case that will require more than 1 course. As far as other distributors, this is the tea my doctor recommended to me and the one I used for myself and my family so I haven’t experimented with any other brands or even looked into them since I like to not fix something that isn’t broken. It gets expensive when you start experimenting what with the lab tests and doc visits. Buying the tea is sort of the least of it.
Hope that helps!
Hello, first thank you for sharing your experience. I’m thankful to have found your information. I’m going to try the mastic gum first and then if that does not work I will look at the Tea. Does the Tea come with a money back guarantee? Also are there other distributors of this tea, or this the only one you found that you trust?
Hi Deron,
If I remember correctly their guarantee is that they’ll send you another box if it didn’t work because every once in a while there’s a tough case that will require more than 1 course. As far as other distributors, this is the tea my doctor recommended to me and the one I used for myself and my family so I haven’t experimented with any other brands or even looked into them since I like to not fix something that isn’t broken. It gets expensive when you start experimenting what with the lab tests and doc visits. Buying the tea is sort of the least of it.
Hope that helps!
I was wondering if your friend that used the Mastic Gum has shared his experience anywhere? I would love to read how he used it and how his body reacted to it as he went through the treatment.
Deron Rodriguez no she hasn’t written about it unfortunately but if you check out the comments here you might find some helpful insight on it
Hi Dana, I don’t think so but to be safe please contact the company and ask them to confirm. I was giving it to my kids in the evening and didn’t notice any caffeination (they’re very sensitive to it)
does the tea have caffeine? I have afib and suppose to stay away from caffeine.
Hi Dana, I don’t think so but to be safe please contact the company and ask them to confirm. I was giving it to my kids in the evening and didn’t notice any caffeination (they’re very sensitive to it)
Junie Martinez-Laine Thanks for sharing Junie! So glad for those 15 people- what a relief!
my sister is a naturopathic doctor and has 15 patients who successfully took the matula tea and were retested free of it. One patient wasn’t cured but the original guy who sold the tea will give another whole month free if you are tested after doing the tea. well worth it
I just finish the month matula treatment, and still feel the same, some of sympthoms have gotten worse.
Hi Rocky, Have you retested? What were the results?
I understand it’s frustrating but if you’re working under the care of a doctor and they’ve asked you to wait 20-40 days after antibiotics to retest I wouldn’t throw matula tea and/or mastic gum into the mix until you’ve retested. It’s hard to be patient but knowing what your current situation is will help your docs decide what the next step is for you. Feel free to print and bring them my article and perhaps they can help you and your parents decide whether the natural alternative is right for you. Hope you feel better soon Savana!
Hi, thanks for responding. Well, they wanted to charge 30 dollars for shipping, and I can’t imagine why a few boxes of tea would ship for that much? My parents were very suspicious of it. On the other hand, I’m at a fork in the road, because I finished a week of antibiotic treatment for h pylori a few weeks ago, and the stool test isn’t scheduled until next month. We were thinking of scheduling it sooner because I finished my treatment, but I have heard you need to wait some 20-40 days after treatment to get an accurate stool test result. However, I do not want to sit around with h pylori in my system for a month if I do still have it. It is very frustrating, I don’t know what to do. I started taking probiotics the moment I got off of the antibiotics and started taking mastic gum Sunday, but I’m not sure if I should continue taking it in case I still have it or not, because I read that it kills off good gut flora as well as bad bacteria, kind of like the antibiotics? If my h pylori was eliminated by the antibiotics, I shouldn’t continue taking mastic, but I won’t know until next month. Do you see why I’m nearly pulling my hair out?
I understand it’s frustrating but if you’re working under the care of a doctor and they’ve asked you to wait 20-40 days after antibiotics to retest I wouldn’t throw matula tea and/or mastic gum into the mix until you’ve retested. It’s hard to be patient but knowing what your current situation is will help your docs decide what the next step is for you. Feel free to print and bring them my article and perhaps they can help you and your parents decide whether the natural alternative is right for you. Hope you feel better soon Savana!
Hi Savana, I see you found the answers to your comment above. No worries- I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. As to a scam? I’m curious what makes you say that. What makes you think it doesn’t work? I suggest you have a practitioner suggest what would be best in your case. Good luck!
Hi Ann, the link is the post. Scroll up.
Sorry, I feel silly, I just looked back on the article and saw that you did a stool test. I don’t know what my point is(it’s 2 a.m.) I’ll come back when I’m in my head!
I went on the helico.com forum in search of hope, only to find that they lean towards western medicine and they don’t believe any natural method can cure h pylori. It’s extremely discouraging.
Matula Tea is a scam, they wanted to charge 40 dollars for shipping. Now, I need to know, how do you know H pylori is gone? Did all your symptoms disappear and you felt normal, or did you actually get tested? Excuse me if I sound sassy, I’m not trying to be, I’m on the verge of tears as I am fighting this devil disease.
Hi Savana, I see you found the answers to your comment above. No worries- I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. As to a scam? I’m curious what makes you say that. What makes you think it doesn’t work? I suggest you have a practitioner suggest what would be best in your case. Good luck!
my sister is a naturopathic doctor and has 15 patients who successfully took the matula tea and were retested free of it. One patient wasn’t cured but the original guy who sold the tea will give another whole month free if you are tested after doing the tea. well worth it
Junie Martinez-Laine Thanks for sharing Junie! So glad for those 15 people- what a relief!
where can i buy this tea?
Hi Ann, the link is the post. Scroll up.
Hi, Silvie.
How much did the stool test cost you and did your insurance cover it?
Hi Moe, It was a while ago so I don’t remember but if I had to guess I would say $300 or so. I didn’t have insurance so had to pay 100% out of pocket. I might be wrong on the price though.
Wow, Monique! Sorry to hear it’s been so difficult! I wonder what your doc would think about using a Biofilm disruptor in addition to the current treatment. I’m not sure about your small intestine cleanse question but I can tell you that the clay pulls everything out, good and bad so I wouldn’t take it along with supplements or the tea and gum since my understanding is it would render it ineffective. Keep us posted and best of luck to you!
I found out I had a high count of H Pylori in January 2015. I have had it once before and it took me 14 months to get rid of it the first time! So when I found out I had it again, I knew the exact protocol to follow so thought I would easily get rid of it. I was wrong! After 2 months of drinking the matula tea, and taking various supplements to help kill it off, including mastic gum, my 2nd test revealed that the H Pylori count had gone up!! :(( So they sent me 2 free replacement boxes of the Matula tea and am drinking it 3 x daily now, along with mastic gum, zinc, and Bio HPF. I do not eat any of the foods mentioned like sugar, gluten, dairy, drink alcohol, caffeine etc. The only thing I can think is that somehow the H Pylori has somehow become resilient from the treatments the first time round (which was in 2012)? It was very strange that the count had gone up rather than down after 3 months of supplement treatment and 2 months of Matula tea. Any comments gratefully received!
Does anybody know whether it is safe to do a small intestine cleanse with clay and under supporting supplements, in terms of the H Pylori? What I mean specifically is that if the drawing formula draws out the H Pylori from the stomach, and somehow does not get evacuated, could it then start corkscrewing and living in the small intestine for example?
Thanks for your help! Monique from UK 🙂
Wow, Monique! Sorry to hear it’s been so difficult! I wonder what your doc would think about using a Biofilm disruptor in addition to the current treatment. I’m not sure about your small intestine cleanse question but I can tell you that the clay pulls everything out, good and bad so I wouldn’t take it along with supplements or the tea and gum since my understanding is it would render it ineffective. Keep us posted and best of luck to you!
Hi, I am also dealing with h-pylory inflamation in my stomach. I am also nursing. Will any of these two treatments be OK during breastfeeding?
Hi Elisa, I would recommend you talk to both your doctor and the companies. They may suggest a modification where you’d take the treatment slower and longer. I’m sorry I can’t advise on that. Best to you.
how could i buy. from the philippines po.
The link to purchase is in the post. You’ll have to contact the company to see if they ship to you.
Hi Rochelle, No, I’m not aware of any additional side effects- I think severe diarrhea could cause dehydration and could be quite dangerous. As always, you should consult with a doctor.
Hi David, I’m not a doctor so I cannot advise on that. I also am not advocating antibiotics to eradicate H Pylori since there are alternative methods that are just as effective.
Hi MO, Sorry to hear about your brother. If he has an ulcer, he should go see a doctor.
Apple cider vinegar is helpful for digestion but unfortunately it will not eliminate H Pylori
Hi Matt, I only used the matula tea. I don’t think using both is necessary- I think you can pick one method or the other.
Sarrha A Johnson The links are in the post- scroll up 🙂
Do you take the mastic gum and matula together at the same (first thing in the morning and last thing at night 2 hours after eating)?
Hi Matt, I would choose one or the other. I did matula tea only and that did it for me.
did you take the mastic gum and matula at the same time (first thing in the morning and last thing at night)?
Hi Matt, I only used the matula tea. I don’t think using both is necessary- I think you can pick one method or the other.
Please tell me how to get the tea…or is it honey, I am alittle confused. I am getting the gum at Whole foods tomorrow. Can I do both at same time or is that too much for the system?
Hi Yvonne, the link to the tea is linked in the post (scroll up). As for taking them both together I would say check with your doc on that but it seems like a bit much to me. 🙂 Hope that helps!
Sylvie mcCracken, Can you give me the details for the tea and gum if they would be able to treat the H.phylori and give me the full address for the country and store name and where can I find it ? thanks looking for your reply.
Hi Nabi,
The links for both the tea and the post are within the post above. Scroll up and you’ll see it. Hope that helps.
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I had it and Manuka Honey did the trick. You can get it in any health food store. I had the breath test and it said it was gone thanks to the Manuka Honey
Thanks for sharing Linda! Glad to hear.
Hi Linda, can you please tell me how much and how often you took the Manuka Honey. Thank you so much. Great website and info Sylvie. Thank you very much.
No problem Suzi- glad you’re enjoying it!
Hi Linda how long did you take the Manuka Honey and how much.. also Sylvie this is very informative what were your symptoms of SIBO? Ive been diagnosed with H pylori for the last 4 months, I was trying to avoid the antibiotics route so I went to see a nutritionist that performed a hair analysis test then gave me a diet to follow hich didn’t work, then I saw a iridologists and that didn’t seem to work either, I went to a acupuncturist yesterday and he wanted me tested for sibo and parasites. I have an appointment to see a GI specialist tomorrow to do a endoscopy. my symptoms are acid, sour taste in my mouth sometimes heartburn pain in the middle of my stomach, an extreme bloating to the point of looking 6 month pregnant. I just need something that helps.. my fiancé took something that sounds very familiar to the tea youre talking about 8-9 years ago that a acupuncturist gave him by looking at his tongue and telling him he had a infection, im just wondering if it was this tea he did take it for 1 month as well. I just want to get out of this horrible feeling everything I eat causes the bloating sometimes even water.
Hi Tina,
Have you been tested for SIBO? I wrote a 10 part series you can check out here all about symptoms, treatment, testing and prevention: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/treating-sibo
Hope that helps!
Hello Hollywood Homestead!
I wonder why you have setup this blog and respond to every comment patiently and it seems you are a just a lucky person who cured her H Pylori by taking some tea, while plenty of people should do few rounds of heavy antibiotic and still no success??
Are you doing this just because you are here to help people? OR Are you paid by Matula Tea company?
I wonder!!
How can you guys prey on people’s misery and sickness, anyone who has had H Pylori symptoms understand how devastating it is to live with this bacterian and Matula Tea DOES NOT ERADICATE the bacteria, it may have some temporary relief effects but surely not killing the bacteria
Followed the mastic gum protocol for one month! Stool test results “negative” for h pylori. Whoo hoo. I also took zinc, vitamin e, DGL licorice, ginger capsules, probiotics, drank kefir, ate broccoli
That’s amazing Elle! Thanks for sharing!
I’m sorry, I should’ve been more clear. I guess what I’m asking is are you aware of any side effects that taking these natural remedies could cause? Such as the severe diarrhea or other things?
Hi Rochelle, No, I’m not aware of any additional side effects- I think severe diarrhea could cause dehydration and could be quite dangerous. As always, you should consult with a doctor.
I noticed that there were several months between a post about having severe diarrhea and you not seeing that post. You said you wish you had seen the post earlier but you didn’t respond to it. All you said is you wanted to know how he was. I don’t know how that ended. What do you think about that excessive diarrhea that he had?
pple vinaigre in salads or diluted in water with lunch can help as well.
Apple cider vinegar is helpful for digestion but unfortunately it will not eliminate H Pylori
Help..my brother is suffering from ulcer already.can he use this natural treatment?is both of them available here in the Philippines? Please, I really need your help 🙁
Hi MO, Sorry to hear about your brother. If he has an ulcer, he should go see a doctor.
Someone asked before about getting an h. pylori test without a doctor. There is a website called Life Extension that allows you to order all kinds of preventative blood tests without a script, and they do have one for h. pylori. I haven’t taken it, but did the comprehensive hormone panel and it was very thorough.
Thanks for the tip, Beth!
hello Sylvie,
I had H.pylori and i received this triple therapy. After this therapy the pain and everything became worse.
I made another test and today it was again H.pylori positive. No they want to give me another therapy but this time with Metronidazol. I am not going to take it because it kills everything what is good also.
Can you help me where to find the tea. I live in Holland and i cant find it .
thank you
Haso, I’m sorry to hear it’s been a tough journey. The link to the tea company is in the post above. Perhaps if you email them they can tell you if they ship internationally and if not, if they can recommend where you can buy it.
I really hope it works for you! Would love to hear from you if you try it. Best to you, Sylvie
Is it safe to take any supplements while having h.pylori?? Like creatine, testosterone boosters, protein powder, amino acids, pre workouts and fat burners? & does smoking effect the antibiotics from working?
Hi David, I’m not a doctor so I cannot advise on that. I also am not advocating antibiotics to eradicate H Pylori since there are alternative methods that are just as effective.
I want to treat my whole family but I don’t think I can afford even just got myself at almost $200
I am goint to start my research in my MPhil degree and im interested in H.pylori. so its my request to all of you to suggest me what should i try to search. Which aspects you would like to know?? I will be thankful to all of you.
Hi Misty,
I would double check with your pediatrician on that. I did use the matula tea for both my teen and toddlers though.
Is the mastic gum safe for children?
Hi Misty,
I would double check with your pediatrician on that. I did use the matula tea for both my teen and toddlers though.
Hi Sylvie,
You said you tested your teenager and your husband too after the matula tea – did it work for them? I’ve heard such mixed things about the tea working. I’m getting my blood test results for H.pylori back any day now. I may have a very mild case, like yours, so I’m wondering if it worked for everyone in your house.
Yes, their results were negative. Of course, there’s no way to really know if my husband and kids had it to begin with since I didn’t want to spend the money to test everyone before but just the fact that my toddlers grab my water bottle and take a sip out of it or, you know, go around putting everything in their mouths and the fact that we’re not germophobes I’d say there’s a good chance and I didn’t want to risk it getting out of control.
I never retested the toddlers but will assume if it worked for the big peeps the half dose worked for the little peeps too 🙂
Hope that helps!
Hollywood Homestead where can I buy the matula tea , whole foods said that they never heard of it…. I also couldn’t find it on amazon either ? can u please send the info to me by email @ sarahleah49@gmail.com
Arleen Weinman, hi, did you ever get to know how exactly to use the Manuka Honey with the Mastic gum that Brittany was referring to?
Dabhi, depending on the severity of your case between 4-8 weeks.
I have diagnosed H-pylori before 2 years. Had done the course of antibiotics for 14 days. And taking tablet 40, indarel 10, ganaton OD till now. But whenever I tried to stop taking these medicines, the pain comes back. Pressure of gas in chest, on head, floating stomach and etc….
Can u please tell me?? How long it will take to kill H-pylori by using this natural remedies???
Dabhi, depending on the severity of your case between 4-8 weeks.
I’m scheduled to be tested, but I’m almost positive I developed it somehow. Thanks for sharing.i feel more comfortable about my options..
You’re welcome, Dennie! It will a relief for you to know either way.
Thank you Sylvia , I went the holistic way with the Mastic Gum and a Natraupath gave me a immune booster and few other things I have been taking 3 days now and I feel great my Appitite is even coming back im getting hungry , I am on this for two weeks I will let you know how I go and Thank you for the Blog it’s helped me Positive Vibes ✨
That’s great Michelle! 🙂
I must say too I Smoke Marijuana it’s only thing that helps , they need to LEGALISE this Plant it’s a plant made to Cure it’s in Genisis and was found around the Tomb of King Solomon
I have had HP for maybe 5/6 years , I was Violently Sick and was rushed to Er every few months with Vomiting and Dihorea they diagnosed me after 2 yrs of Bouts and it was my Gaul Bladder but when I had removed the Surgeon said I don’t think your Symptoms are Related to Gaul Bladder , weight was rapidly Falling off me I havnt eaten “Food” for 5/6 yrs now I live on Juicing and Cold Water then Aug had Camera as my stomach still playing up and not eating , Throwing up every morning and came back HP I had the Nexum pack but didn’t work so now I go to see Barry Marsh who Actually lives in my State West Australia im due to see him in a month , he Actually won Nobal Peace Prize he injected himself with the virus but it’s more Drugs more throwing up ! I get Utis once every few months due to me been Run down but I want to try the Gum I have ordered online the tea im not sure I don’t drink tea but I’m at my wits end don’t know what to do I forget my levels but the Second reading was higher than first , im very Sensitive in my Stomach vomit at anything ?
Sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell Michelle. I hope you find relief soon. Even for non tea drinkers I think this tea is really quite mild and pleasant. Easy to drink one cup as you get ready in the morning and one as you’re winding down in the evening. Even when you have multiple conditions/ health issues I’ve found that trying as much as possible to tackle them one a time is the best way to not lose your sanity in the process. Once you eradicate one thing, things seem to settle and you can clearly see what the next in order of importance is.
Sending you healing vibes…
Hi Michelle, just wanted to check on you, and see how you are doing.
Just as a precaution, it’s possible to be allergic to Mastic. I tried the Mastic with some reservations because I have a history of allergies to tree saps/resins, but not all of them. For example, I can’t use Vicks VapoRub because of the camphor and I can’t wax any part of my body because resin is a common ingredient in waxes. My allergic reactions include hives, itching, and sometimes shortness of breath (if it’s severe enough). However, I’ve also been able to use other products that contain resins and I’m ok. It’s hard to tell, so I decided to try because I’m tired of the stomach pain from HP. I took the Jarrow’s formula with a probiotic, 2 pills in the morning before breakfast. My symptoms started to subside and I was very happy, but about 4-5 days into the treatment I started itching and I immediately stopped treatment. Sure enough, I developed hives and a rash and had to start on an anti-histamine, which took about a week to clear up.
I guess I’m going to have to try something else, possibly coconut oil (actually already have some in the house!) with the probiotic. I really don’t want to do the triple therapy because I don’t want to destroy all my good gut flora, but I might not really have a choice. I’m on a limited income, but I have good insurance that will cover the meds. The Matula Tea is just too expensive for me at this time.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Hez. Hope you find something that works for you.
How do you use coconut oil to aid in treating h. Pylori? I have had this for at least 20 years and triple antibiotic treatment doesn’t help.
Help me in the name of God, I am tired of of with this antibiotics, please help me to get relief from this devastating illness
Hi Sylvie,
Where do you get the stool testing done?
Hi Isabel,
I did it thru Biohealth labs and they ship it to you (it’s an at home test). I believe it has to be ordered by a doctor but you could call the lab to confirm that.
Hope that helps!
Hi So glad to hear that Brittany. Can you tell me how you took the Manuka honey and the Mastic gum? How much of each and when? I would really appreciate it.. I just bought them, but I’ not sure what to do. Thanks so much..
Yay! I’m so happy for you Brittany! Thank you for sharing that!
I just got my test results back today and they are finally negative!!!!! Yay!!! I took mastic gum and Manuka honey together for 8 weeks with Dr observation along the way, I cut out alcohol(besides a few glasses of wine a week), sugars, and ate a diet full of protein and veggies, I also did small workout sessions every day at my Dr’s request. I honestly can say I’m cured, within a week my acne started clearing up, I had energy to burn, I was more regular than ever, and my stomach stopped hurting every time I ate. If you are suffering from h pylori or an ulcer don’t wait to start mastic gum. It works!
Yay! I’m so happy for you Brittany! Thank you for sharing that!
Hi So glad to hear that Brittany. Can you tell me how you took the Manuka honey and the Mastic gum? How much of each and when? I would really appreciate it.. I just bought them, but I’ not sure what to do. Thanks so much..
Arleen Weinman, hi, did you ever get to know how exactly to use the Manuka Honey with the Mastic gum that Brittany was referring to?
Wow, that’s amazing Judy! Thanks for sharing.
Not me, but my sister-in-law, bless her lovely soul, had resistant h. pylori. The dr’s tried every known antibiotic to no avail, only more pain, the final was “I don’t know what to do for you.”
Months before, I had offered to bring her unpasteurized organic milk, straight from the cow and fermented, with a side of refrigerated broad spectrum probiotic; explaining to her that overrunning her gastric flora with the right kind of bacteria would suppress and even kill the culprit. Her response was “NO thank you, I will not be swallowing bacteria, my stomach won’t be able to handle that!” I assured her that if she changed her mind, I would still help her.
So I got “that” call. She told me the prognosis from the md, and that she was ready to try anything (almost anyway, she didn’t use the probiotic). I took her 1/2 gallon of fresh milk and one half gallon of fresh kefir made from the same milk with instructions to drink one cup of each or more, every day and to swallow one probiotic capsule before bed. She did the milk only. We repeated the process for another week, but she still didn’t take the probiotic.
One week later she scheduled a followup visit w/her MD, and told him how she felt. He was impressed and pleased for her. That was a number of years ago, she is still doing well, but still drinks some kefir when I take it to her. I wonder what the dr says to his other h. pylori patients?
I wonder why on earth we don’t protect and promote our organic farmers more??
Wow, that’s amazing Judy! Thanks for sharing.
I did forget to mention in prior post that smoking pot does help relax her insides to where she can now sleep 4-5 hours when without she was lucky to get an hour of sleep each night. When she try’s to relax is when her insides start to spasm/cramping most. Her body has begun to tighten up from the pain causing stress knots all over her body from being so tense all the time. If you have the same get massages or spouse massage you nightly to break them up. We did find comfort in acupuncture as well.
Sorry to hear about your friend.
I to have been battling this horrific evil infection. I wad diagnosed 7 years ago and thought I was cured even did matula tea. Over this last summer I started feeling symptoms but didn’t associate it with h pylori until the bloating and pain n lump in my throat were so bad!! I went to the doc and they gave me flagyl (which made me sooo sick) and amoxicillin 2 weeks worth. I felt good for two Weeks after, then all the symptoms started coming back. After the antibiotics I started taking mastic gum, triphala and monolaurin. They did nothing for the pain. Although these didn’t seem to do much for me they might work for someone else. I kept doing more research and decided to try extra strength grapefruit seed extract 250 mg. tabs. (the liquid is gross tasting). I took my first dose last night and woke up with no pain this am. I read that someone used this for h-pylori and got rid of all symptoms in one month. I was desperate to get rid of this pain, I will keep taking it. Hopefully it continues to work. I will post in couple Weeks on my progress with GSE. Also I read red and black raspberry seed powder works well for h-pylori but I haven’t tried that. Also a good parasite cleanse would be good to do. Good luck to all. We need to help each other with info we find to erradicate this nasty bug!! Hope this
Thanks for sharing Liz! Hope you feel better soon!
We are in Chicago and my female friend got food poisoning about 8 years ago from a salad from Wendy’s. It started with her gallbladder being infected with bacteria which they removed but this was only the start because it did not fix her problems, only her burping. They then told her she had IBS and got her into the best SO CALLED IBS doctor at Rush Hospital in Chicago who failed to give her breathe tests “insisting it was all in her head”. Her own family took what doctor said and were not supportive because they too assumed was all in her head from hearing from doctor.
This SO Called IBS doctor did not care to find solution and only pumped her full of meds and high doses of Antibiotics that even the pharmacy questioned dosages. Not to mention the anti depressants she was also given that was not needed or helped.
I had her try to request from her doctor for them to recommended her to Mayo but they refused to do so, even after her blood samples started coming back positive for stage 4 colon cancer. Talk about a scare they gave her and myself telling her that.
Finally after 2 years of seeing her withering away and only getting worse going from 150lbs to 100lbs with doctor at Rush Hospital telling her it will not get better unless she sees a shrink is when I booked us a flight to MN on New Years to go the Mayo Clinic after hearing they accepted walk ins but could wait up to 2 weeks to be seen.
Luckily, Mayo did see her and it was them who did a breathe test to determined she had H Pylori as well as IBS. What shocked me was the IBS specialist at Rush Hospital never did a breathe test. All the Rush doctor did was keep giving her more meds and more meds up to 30 pills a day. The Rush doctor ruined her body causing her system to reject all Antibiotics due from the years and dosages. \
Mayo has been unable to cure Pylori due to her system rejecting all antibiotics but has been working to find another way and asked her to be a case study due to the seriousness of it and her willingness to go through painful testing that others could not handle.
To this day she is still under the care of Mayo and if it was not for their help I know she would not still be here with me today. She was getting to that point of giving up. When you can’t sleep due to pain all the time and more so when you try to relax or unable to eat for years I too would consider leaving this world. As I say its like having the Stomach Flu 24/7 for years nonstop.
Mayo was surprised to witness the spasms she was having with her intestines. She said its feels like a Charlie Horse “cramping” that pain was so intense was close to making her pass out. If you put your hand on the spasm it would run from your touch, it was like having a mouse inside her.
Mayo was able to control the cramping with about a dozen shots of Botox to her intestines but will were off over time as it has started to do currently.
I did all the research I could to find any way to help her and tried what most on here have said with exception to Coconut Oil.
Why I did find that did help was 5mg of Valium did help to calm spasms that I have given her to help her sleep. The Mastic Gum did not work or did the tea.
The one thing I did find that did help to lower levels but due to her belching it up and taste or throwing it up was Broccoli Sprouts. They have a radish taste that she can’t stand, so I started juicing it but not as good as the sprout by them selves.
I do believe some of her issues were cause by Ibuprofen she was talking for migraines for a number of years and not enough study has been done to identify long term side affects from using Ibuprofen.
She is currently going through a new treatment with Mayo after her Pylori levels increased more with center stomach pain and now seeing bacteria “white speckles” in her poop that was also seen on her Gallbladder that was removed the bacteria but never tested.
Too all you poor people battling this disease who doctors are telling you its in your head, I can tell you it it is not in your head. Your doctor does not know what they are doing and find a new doctor.
She is about to start a new 2 week treatment and will update her outcome with hopes this time it works.
The only good news is Mayo sees it a serous problem and is working hard to find her a cure/solution that will not only help her but many of you dealing with this same problems.
Wow Kevin. Sounds like you guys have been thru the wringer. I hope this new plan you’re starting on really grants her some relief. Good for you for doing so much research. Keep us posted.
I was diagnosed with H. Pylori back in June when I was experiencing ulcer pains for the first time in my life. The doctor put me on the antibiotics triple therapy, which didn’t work. This site was a life saver for me. I followed Sylvie’s advice of taking the Matula tea. I ordered one box but took it for 2 months by reusing my tea bag at night. A few weeks into taking the tea I started taking just one 500 mg Mastic Gum at night. Through out the two months I kept taking good quality probiotics and ate broccoli and took one TB spoon of virgin coconut oil. Four weeks into the treatment, I woke up one morning and had absolutely no symptoms. I have now been symptom free ever since. Then I followed the guidelines for retesting published in ulcercure.com, and just did a retest. I am happy to say it came back all negative. I think taking Matula tea alone would have worked, but I just wanted to make sure and so fortified the treatment with a few things I mentioned above.
Thank you Sylvie! It is great to join the army of H. Pylori killers!
Wow! That is amazing Shari! Do you mind if I share that on social media?
Please share what I said on social media. I want to help people who feel hopeless as I did when the antibiotics didn’t work. I found hope again when I read your postings. Please keep up the good work!
Thanks Shari, I will 🙂
This is such a helpful article, thank you. Have been treating h. pylori for a few years now, on and off, but never naturally. I’ve heard that once you have it, you never get rid of it. My original diagnosing doctor was not great, and at first tried to give me anti-anxiety meds for stress before deciding to test for this. After treatment, there was no retest and I didn’t know to ask for it. Another 4 months went by before a gastro diagnosed, treated and retested. That was probably 4 years ago now. But now it’s back (for a while), and it’s such a pain. It wasn’t until recently that I learned of the connection to cancer which is really scary. I’m to the point that I know when it’s flared up because of the pains and changes in bathroom details. Thanks so much again for the info.
You’re welcome, Dawn! Hope you find some relief soon. Luckily the tea is really easy to integrate into your daily life and super effective.
Would kefir be a good probiotic to take?
As far as I know kefir alone will not treat your h.pylori. You can certainly use it after your treatment though, as long as you tolerate it well. I cannot tolerate it at the moment because of my SIBO but if you don’t have SIBO nor histamine intolerance you’ll probably be fine. Hope that helps!
I just got my order of the tea anything I should know before I start? I plan on taking the first dose tonight.
Not really! I took it on an empty stomach but my doc told me it probably didn’t matter either way. My recommendation would be to set an alarm for yourself twice a day till it becomes routine and try not to skip any if you can. Also! Ask your doc when you should retest because testing right away after you finish might not be ideal. Waiting a week or 2 might be better. Good luck!
How did the Tea work for you?
Hello! I’ve ordered the Mastic Gum and also Manuka Honey which I read was good for treating H.P. I need to order a ProBiotic and will look into the one you suggested. What is the recommended dosage for Pro-Bs? The website says 2x day for 30 days then 1x day. Is that how you took it?
Hi Bella, For the one I take you can certainly take 2 per day, although you might start with 1 a day to see how you do and increase from there. Hope that helps!
Hi sylvie, i was also diagnosed with h pylori and gastritis my doc gave me anti biotics and omeprazol for treatment. I’m wondering after i take these anti biotic my stomach pain becomes more painfull. Should i stop the anti biotics. And just take some probiotics for these treatment. I’m from philippines and i think we dont have here the mastic gum and matula tea.
Hi Gary,
I’m not a doctor but if you’re having pain while taking them I would let your doctor know to see if he/she can suggest a different treatment. I’m sure you can get the mastic or matula shipped. I don’t know of probiotics that can kill H.Pylori but if you do end up taking antibiotics I would follow it with probiotics after your treatment.
Hope that helps!
Thanks sylvie, can you help me find matula tea dealer that can ship here in the philippines? Or is it avialable anywhere in US. Becuase i have relatives in sacramento ca. I just ask them to buy for me.
Thanks again,
Hi Gary,
The only matula tea I know is the one I mention in the article. Please contact them and see if they ship internationally or what they suggest. Hope you find it!
Hi sylvie,
Following our conversation last dec. I manage to purchase the matula tea and i took it for a month. After i finish my anti biotic therapy. my doctor requires me to under go to a breath test and the result is hpylori neg. and i feel more confortable on my stomach. After a month and at this moment i feel again this uncomfortable feeling and stomach ache on the center of my tummy. Could the h pylori came back? Should i take again the tea? It is possible that my wife had h pylori too that needs to eradicate? Because you said that it can be pass to any member of the family.
Hope to here from you soon.
Hi Gary,
I took the tea for 8 weeks and had my entire family take it for that reason (the high likelihood of passing it). Never did I use antibiotics for this or in addition to this (which might also be causing some of your discomfort).
You could do one of two things: take another test to be sure (I don’t recommend the breath tests for H Pylori but rather the stool tests as mentioned in my article). Or, go ahead and do EIGHT weeks of the tea for both you and your wife and if you have kids, depending on their age treat them as well. Sterilize and/or replace things like toothbrushes, nightguards or other appliances for your mouth etc.
And then retreat, waiting as indicated between the end of your tea treatment and test date for things to settle.
If you choose the testing first option and it’s indeed positive send it to the tea company for them to send you another box of tea for free (although I’m not sure if that will apply if you took for a shorter time than indicated).
Hope that helps- would love to hear how it turns out!
Hi sylvie, i’ve been diagnose with h pilori this december 11 2014. My doc gave me anti biotics for the treatment for h pylori
Hope you get well soon!
Hi can I give Mastic gum to my 9 yrs old son, Matula tea is very expensive.
Hi Shree,
Please contact the company or your doctor for advice on that.
Hope he gets well soon!
Oh! And also, if you did eradicate it and it’s back I would contact the company of whatever method you used to eradicate it and send them proof (lab tests).
Hi Marcela,
So, you eradicated it and now it’s back? Or are you not sure you eradicated it in the first place?
I don’t recommend a raw vegan diet but especially if you’re dealing with discomfort and pain. Would you be willing to include some bone broth or gelatin in your diet? If not, how about lightly cooking your vegetables instead of eating them raw so they’re easier to digest? The cooking is almost like pre- digesting and will give your gut a break from doing so much work.
Hope that helps!
I just had a relapse and discovered this gem is back!
I’m vegan, and I eat raw, not always but pretty often. I’m concerned about what’s stomach can tolerate at the moment.
Can you recommend anything for the discomfort and pain?
I was wondering if these treatments would be safe with breastfeeding.
I just had a relapse and discovered this gem is back!
I’m vegan, and I eat raw, not always but pretty often. I’m concerned about what’s stomach can tolerate at the moment.
Can you recommend anything for the discomfort and pain?
Hi Marcela,
So, you eradicated it and now it’s back? Or are you not sure you eradicated it in the first place?
I don’t recommend a raw vegan diet but especially if you’re dealing with discomfort and pain. Would you be willing to include some bone broth or gelatin in your diet? If not, how about lightly cooking your vegetables instead of eating them raw so they’re easier to digest? The cooking is almost like pre- digesting and will give your gut a break from doing so much work.
Hope that helps!
Oh! And also, if you did eradicate it and it’s back I would contact the company of whatever method you used to eradicate it and send them proof (lab tests).
I recommend you call the company Hs. If you send them your test results I’m sure they’ll help you out and send you another box. Best of luck
Use mastic gum, this herbal tea is a scam, I have tried it, I went for 3 of their boxes, used it from 90 days and nothing at all. Did not do anything.. Get mastic gum from a company you know and trust and hopefully it will work.
Its a scam, I tried it and it did not work at all. Go for mastic gum for a company you trust and have used before..
but from where i could get matula tea
You can get it here: https://hollywoodhomestead.com/matula-tea
I would recommend checking with the company and your doctor first to determine if it’s best to proceed asap with treatment or perhaps postpone until after your breastfeeding years.
Anna, have you tried the matula tea yet?
I was recently told I have h pylori by my doctor, he gave me antibiotics and some other things. After taking just one dose I was in great pain and had to go to the emergency room, so I was given a different set of Medicine and the same thing happened. I’ve came across your post just now and loved the fact I can cure this naturally. My question is that I have a very weak stomach and was wondering if there are in side effects with the gum or tea? Like nausea, Diarrhea, constipation, headaches etc.? I also read that turmeric, ginger, and cranberry supplements may help to cure h pylori what are your thoughts on this?
Hi Jonathon,
The side effects should be listed on each of the sites. I have to say, I have a pretty sensitive stomach and drinking this tea twice a day on an empty stomach and giving my toddlers a smaller dose but also on an empty stomach I noticed ZERO discomfort. I only wish my SIBO treatment were this easy… I don’t have personal experience with the gum. As for turmeric, ginger and cranberry, I’m not sure. I would be shocked if they could cure h pylori though.
Hope that helps! Feel better soon!
With all due respect, I’m just learning about this condition (due to a friend having it) and most of it is from your site.. However iI must disagree about your assumption concerning ginger. When taken with garlic (finely chopped teaspoon of both –about a clove for each) they are powerful antibiotics, anti fungals and antivirals. When the rest of my family (4 kid) started retching from both ends from a stomach bug I chewed up said amounts of ginger and garlic (chased with applesauce–lol)….. I didn’t get it. Nada. my husband turned down the garlic and ginger that night and the days later he was retching. My immune system has been shot for years due to mold exposure , trying to fix it naturally though now; however, without the garlic and ginger I would have been retching too . All that said… Don’t see why it wouldn’t help H Pylori …can’t hurt. Will actually make you healthier… It you can get out down. Lol
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for reading and for your comment! I actually love herbal antibiotics and incidentally today’s post is all about herbal antibiotics for another condition, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth:
I haven’t ever heard of anyone eradicating h pylori with ginger and garlic but if you or your friend have a positive lab test, treat with those and then have a negative one, I’d love to hear about it!
Note for others who might have SIBO: both the garlic and the applesauce are fodmaps so they would be problematic for those individuals.
Best of luck to you!
I was wondering if these treatments would be safe with breastfeeding.
I would recommend checking with the company and your doctor first to determine if it’s best to proceed asap with treatment or perhaps postpone until after your breastfeeding years.
HI Sandy How are you getting on with the mastic gum extract I would be really interested to know , as I a still suffering
Anna, have you tried the matula tea yet?
Hollywood Homestead where can I buy the matula tea , whole foods said that they never heard of it…. I also couldn’t find it on amazon either ? can u please send the info to me by email @ sarahleah49@gmail.com
Sarrha A Johnson The links are in the post- scroll up 🙂
I would like to buy matula tea and mastic gum
Hi Hermie,
There are links throughout the post to where you can purchase. Best of luck!
Would it be harmful to drink the tea even if you are not sure if you have h. Pylori?
Amber, in my opinion, no. That’s why I gave it to my entire household before testing them. I didn’t want to have to figure out how to get a stool sample from my toddlers 🙂 Since the risk of passing it around your loved ones is rather high, I went with simply assuming all 5 of us had it after I tested positive.
I did test my teenager and husband after the treatment.
That said, I wouldn’t drink it forever as it might eventually disrupt your gut flora. But one round of treatment if you and your doctor suspect h pylori or if you know a love one you have regular contact with or share a home with has it? Definitely.
Hope that helps!
Hi ,
My Dr prescribed me two different antibiotics and pantoprazole. I have already started taking it. Can I still take Manuka Honey, Mastic Gum, Probiotics, Ginger herbs along with antibiotics and PPI ?
Hi Shree,
I’m not a doctor so you’d have to run this question by him. In my experience though, if by PPI you mean proton pump inhibitors, I would aim to get off those (under medical supervision) as they likely won’t help you situation.
If you’re going the antibiotic route you might want to check with your doctor if he or she prefers you wait to continue the probiotics after you’re done with your treatment as they might interfere.
I understand your desire to throw the kitchen sink at it but sometimes that does more harm than good.
I treated my h pylori with simply the tea and a healthy diet and that worked for me.
Hope that helps!
Hi Sylvie,
With regard to the treatment you have above using Mastic Gum, I’m wondering if you mean 1 GRAM or 1000mg as the first week’s dosage? And then double and triple from there. You have 1 mg, 2 mg, and 3 mg. I’m looking at the bottle you recommend and the pill dosage is 2 at 500mg each.
Francesca, you are right! Thank you for catching that- I’ve corrected it now 🙂
My daughter is 7 and had the bacteria for a long time she took the antibiotic course , we thought it was gone but it came back , How many times should we give her the gum a day ? thanks
Hi Muhammad,
Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, I’m not a doctor so I cannot give you specific advice to your daughter’s case. I can, however, tell you my experience which is that I’ve given all 3 of my kids the matula tea I mentioned even the ones that I didn’t test since they h.pylori is easy to pass around between loved ones. I would consider the tea (talk to your doc about it) and also testing and/or treating everyone in the house in case you’re passing it back and forth.
Hope that helps!
Hi Michele, Yes not all docs are savvy on this kind of stuff. I was feeling digestive discomfort- bloating, mild abdominal pain (some of it might have been from the SIBO) and during the matula tea weeks I noticed bad breath and headaches which I assume must have been the die off. Hope that helps! If you’d like my doctor’s info (she does skype consults) email me at info at hollywoodhomestead dot com and I’ll pass on the recommendation.
I think it requires a doc unfortunately but I’m sure it’s dependent on what state you’re in…. My doc is awesome and does skype consults. If you want, shoot me an email (info at hollywoodhomestead dot com) and I’ll get you her info.
it really is overwhelming isn’t it! I honestly was shocked when the tea worked but with their guarantee I figured what did I have to lose. Hope he feels some relief soon!
Thanks Sandy! I really hope you feel some relief soon. I know how much it sucks 🙁
Hi Anna, Just based on drinking it in the evening and having my toddlers also do so I’d have to say no, but to be sure please contact them. They’re so helpful and their response time is fairly quick. Hope you feel some relief soon!
HI All I too have been diagnosed with h pylori I have been offered the course of antibiotics but I suffer with Atrial Fibrillation, I have just had an opp to try to put it right yet again. I can not take the Antibiotics as they cause Tachycardia for me, I am interested in anything I can try to eradicate H pylori as I am in agony most of the time, But I also cant have Caffeine so I drink decafe tea can you tell me if the Matula Tea contains any caffeine please. I have just started using Yakult and Manuka Honey and eating Broccoli like there is no tomorrow
Hi Anna, Just based on drinking it in the evening and having my toddlers also do so I’d have to say no, but to be sure please contact them. They’re so helpful and their response time is fairly quick. Hope you feel some relief soon!
Thanks for Info. I ahev extremely high H. Pylori. I will like to follow your foot steps to cure it. where can we buy Matula Tea and Mastic Gum? any recommendations
Hi Pawan,
Please see the links in the post as to where to buy both matula tea or mastic gum. Hope that helps!
The reading I’ve done on various websites have determined that 90-95% of ulcers/gastritis are caused by H. Pylori. I was recently diagnosed with H. Pylori. I originally went to see the dr. b/c I was afraid I had a secondary infection after dealing with acid reflux and an unexplained cough. When I told the dr my symptoms, he recommended the blood test (which came out positive) along with a acid reflux reducing cocktail and a strep throat test. I had never heard of h. pylori until that visit. I did the 14 day antibiotic treatment felt great immediately after treatment. Exactly a week after being off the antibiotic 4 pills twice a day, the burning feeling and acid reflux has returned. I’m not even going to wait to see my dr and just start the Mastic Gum treatment. Fingers crossed this works. Here’s the treatment regime I’ve decided to follow:
Mastic Gum Extract, 500 mg. capsules,
Week 1: take 2 in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast for one week.
Week 2: Up the dosage to 4 per day, adding 2 in the afternoon on an empty stomach.
Week 3: Up the dosage to 6 for a total of 3 grams per day, adding 2 in the evening on an empty stomach (2 hrs. after dinner, one hour before bed.)
With all the reading I’ve been doing, soooo many people are suffering from this. I just wanted to say thank you for posting so much information.
Thanks Sandy! I really hope you feel some relief soon. I know how much it sucks 🙁
I was recently told I have h pylori by my doctor, he gave me antibiotics and some other things. After taking just one dose I was in great pain and had to go to the emergency room, so I was given a different set of Medicine and the same thing happened. I’ve came across your post just now and loved the fact I can cure this naturally. My question is that I have a very weak stomach and was wondering if there are in side effects with the gum or tea? Like nausea, Diarrhea, constipation, headaches etc.? I also read that turmeric, ginger, and cranberry supplements may help to cure h pylori what are your thoughts on this?
Hi Zeno,
Your case sounds like it would be best handled under the care of a practitioner. I did not see severe die off symptoms like the ones you mentioned while I was taking the matula tea but I suppose it’s possible. Every case is individual.
I have no experience curing it with turmeric, ginger or cranberry supplements so can’t speak to those unfortunately.
My guess is the antibiotics were to harsh for you and that you would do better with a less aggressive treatment like the tea or gum. If you think about it, the tea takes twice as long to treat as the antibiotics so it’s quite a bit gentler.
Hope that helps!
I wish I would have found this info sooner. My husband just finished treatment for h. pylori. He’s still having stomach issues, so I’m going to try to get him to take the tea. The doctors are suspecting food allergies on top of it. It’s quite overwhelming!
it really is overwhelming isn’t it! I honestly was shocked when the tea worked but with their guarantee I figured what did I have to lose. Hope he feels some relief soon!
Use mastic gum, this herbal tea is a scam, I have tried it, I went for 3 of their boxes, used it from 90 days and nothing at all. Did not do anything.. Get mastic gum from a company you know and trust and hopefully it will work.
I recommend you call the company Hs. If you send them your test results I’m sure they’ll help you out and send you another box. Best of luck
Can we do a H.P test without a doctor prescription? I was tested H.P. positive and treated by one course of antibiotics and now on natural remedies. Both methods can only reduce the symptoms/pains, but the discomfort is still there. Don’t think the ulcer is totally treated. want to find a place to do H.P. test without doctor’s prescriptions. Feet doctor doesn’t help much in this case.
I think it requires a doc unfortunately but I’m sure it’s dependent on what state you’re in…. My doc is awesome and does skype consults. If you want, shoot me an email (info at hollywoodhomestead dot com) and I’ll get you her info.
that’s right they have a Health disclaimer on their site that invite to consult your doctor in case of pregancy http://www.perfectly-natural-health.com/disclaimer.shtml
Hi Sylvie, thanks for sharing your experience and this interesting article. what symptoms did you have when you had the pylori?
I found strange that doctors prescribe you antibiotics to eradicate it but don’t test if you have ulcers or gastritis. to me their view is “you have some symptoms, you have pylori, you have to get rid of it”
Hi Michele, Yes not all docs are savvy on this kind of stuff. I was feeling digestive discomfort- bloating, mild abdominal pain (some of it might have been from the SIBO) and during the matula tea weeks I noticed bad breath and headaches which I assume must have been the die off. Hope that helps! If you’d like my doctor’s info (she does skype consults) email me at info at hollywoodhomestead dot com and I’ll pass on the recommendation.
Good advice Tanya!
Hi ive just been diagnosed with h pylori off my doc after being very poorly the last 2month ive never felt so ill in all my life ive lost weight aswell with it …. my doc give me the triple antibs i took my 1st 3 on saturday gone and within 30mins i was horribly sick so i googled other alternative meds to rid of h pylori so ive just been today to get the mastic gum capsules & probiotic capsules ive read that its 1x 500mg capsule in a morning on a empty stomach & 1 the same b4 bed my question is do i stay at the same dosage for the month or do i up it on week 2 ..3 & 4…. and also my doc told me its not contagious to my kids well i now know it is so my 2nd question is can my kids take the mastic gum caps they are aged 4-12yrs old as im getting them tested asap.
Many thanks 🙂
Antibiotics will make you feel worse before you feel better. It’s killing good and bad bacteria, snagging your gut flora. A damaged flora is hard to repair. Please find alternatives to treatment. See a natropathic doctor asap, they study real medicine, the way it’s meant to be, not like science, who rely on chemicals. If you’ve taken an antibiotic please get probiotics, a very good brand and take daily, for a long time, you have a lot of repairing to do. Also, get aloe vera to help heal the insides of your intestines. Drink daily. God bless all of you may you be cured and healed.
Hi there – I recently found your blog by searching for H. Pylori natural treatments. I loved reading this post. I’m scheduled for a blood test, but not until October 18th – so not sure if this is my problem or not. However, I am curious if you FELT any different after your treatment? I looked for a follow up blog post and didn’t see one. I know the stool test showed that it worked (and I’m sure it did!), but wondering if you noticed symptom relief right away – or did you have any symptoms to begin with? I guess I’m just curious for more details! 🙂 Thanks for this post – love your blog!
Hi Casey,
That’s a tough one because I’m not sure how many of my symptoms were H Pylori related and how many were SIBO related (which in my case has been the much more severe one and more difficult to treat). So, I guess I’d have to say not really. I didn’t feel that much different after. Except seeing the results gave me a sense of relief that I had knocked out one more thing in my long list of troubles. 🙂
Hope that helps and thanks for reading and commenting!
Also avoid processed foods, high fructose corn syrup artifical flavors and colorings. Everthing you eat should always be prepared fresh. Any foods that are frozen or canned should be avoided. A diet should always consist of fresh fruits, vegtables, portion control meats and fish. So follow the Mediterranean diet. Apple cider vinegar with water before meals helps. Probiotocs are a must. Soda and coffee should be avoided and most alcohols as well. Dont stess at all as the brain and gut are connected just be cautious of your daily routines. Drink lemon water and get excersise whether ots walking or riding a bike or just lifting at the gym. Best wishes. Xoxo
Sound like you’ve found something that works for you Vera. That’s great 🙂
Thank you so much for posting this. I am treating my h.pylori the natural way. Currently my daily routine is a bit much but I feel better already. I start by taking two probiotics on an empty stomach in the morning. I then drink matula tea with lemon and raw organic honey, I add a teaspoon of vitamimineral green by health force super to the tea (which contains probiotics and many other amazing benefits). I take two mastic gum supplements and eat a salad of broccoli kale cucumber garlic (a few other healthy veggies) I add coconut oil and apple cider vinegar as dressing I even eat raw garlic throughout the day (my breath is fine haha) I eat three DGL licorice root extract tablets daily. I also mix aloe vera by shabing the meat into a blender with pure cranberry juice and celery. I use a teaspoin of bobs baking soda in my water to balance my ph levels. And fresh lemons on everthing. I drink apple cider vinegar with water daily. It may seem like alot or overdue but this will cure not just h.pylori but many other bacteria in the body. I look fit and have lots of energy. I feel and look healthy. I hope this helps all of you. My prayers are with all of you thay you all get cured and well soon. Contact me if you have any questions vkesto27@gmail.com. blessings and love to you all.
Hello ,i am Christie Bolt from New York Texas,i am 37 years old,i saw a comment posted by wandy brimm from Vegas, on how she was free from skin cancer with cannabis CANNABIS OIL by doctor HAKIM , i was diagnosed of HPV infections for the pass two years , i contacted wandy and she told me that this very doctor cures HPV cancer , and he also cures HIV/AIDS too, then i contacted DR.HAKIM, so he told me what to do to get healing and free from HPV , so i make provisions for the HERBAL CREAM which i used for two weeks and now just to see that the exact week which doctor hakim told me i we be healed i was felling good and healthy , my skin regained, i went for check up in the hospital and my doctor told that me that all the virus disappeared from my blood vessels and normal, then drhakim asked me to promise him that i we testify of his good herbal work to the world, so I we like you to contact him (dr.hakimherbalspellworld@gmail.com ) if you have any health issue i believe doctor hakim we help you .here is my email adress you can contact me christiebolt@hotmail.com
You’re welcome! I don’t remember seeing that info on the package but I would reach out to the manufacturer to be sure. My guess is they’ll ask you to contact your doc. I would just be worried about too much die off too fast so perhaps they’d recommend waiting or doing a lesser dose for a longer time period or something. Sorry I’m not able to give you a straight answer! 🙂
Thanks for this valuable information! Question: can I use these remedies while pregnant or nursing? Anything on the product packaging about this?
You’re welcome! I don’t remember seeing that info on the package but I would reach out to the manufacturer to be sure. My guess is they’ll ask you to contact your doc. I would just be worried about too much die off too fast so perhaps they’d recommend waiting or doing a lesser dose for a longer time period or something. Sorry I’m not able to give you a straight answer! 🙂
that’s right they have a Health disclaimer on their site that invite to consult your doctor in case of pregancy http://www.perfectly-natural-health.com/disclaimer.shtml
I have been on Prilosec for a few years….I started having some discomfort, nausea and occasional reflux even while on Prilosec. Started doing some research and decided to stop taking it. Started with Licorice and Mastic but the Licorice caused my blood pressure to sky rocket…so had to stop that just after 4 days. Taking over the counter Tagamet to help with the acid/reflux….I’m on the GAPS diet…5 days now….seen the dr today….she thinks I have H. Pylori…will get the blood work done in the am….I am so worried…..not sure what direction to take at this point. I am also afraid if I do have it that I may have passed it on to my 2 yr old grand baby….would appreciate any input, guidance for getting off antacids, increasing my good flora, healing the lining of my stomach, etc. thanks so much!
Hi Sheila, Please don’t worry. Of all the things you could have H. Pylori is not something to get super stressed out over, especially until you know for sure! As for antacids, if you have h. pylori, treating it will help tremendously, but I also recommend you read this post I wrote a while back. It will take a little bit to regulate your digestion but she short of the story is that acid reflux is caused by TOO LITTLE acid, not TOO MUCH acid so antacids are not doing you any favors.Talk to your doc about digestive enzymes (perhaps supplementing with something like ox bile) and look into taking a shot of diluted apple cider vinegar with your meals.
Hope that helps!
Hello I know a few people that have had it for many yrs one 8yrs and another 5 yrs. will mastic gum or Matula tea help them. And is it ok to take both. I also have the infection and just finished antibiotics and still feel Ill. I am also taking mastic gum now I hope it works!
Hi Maria,
So, these people were tested 8 and 5 years ago and tested positive? Or they just THINK they’ve had it for that long? I would suggest working under the guidance of a practitioner especially if you are not feeling well.
You can also contact the matula tea company for advice. My guess is they will advise you to take more than one round of tea.
Hope that helps, and hope you feel better soon!
Thank you Maricel!
Thanks for this! I have to try it….right now!
Thank you Maricel!
well isnt that nice… posting a huge article… then saying you didnt use something and vouch for it and the other link is an affiliate link.. you are an asshole. healing should be for free to everyone.
Good info here, Thanks for sharing.
After several days of intense stomach pain which started in my left lower side and moved to the center of my abdomen. I went to the doc who ordered blood work.
My blood work showed I have H Pylori at a level of 11.9.
Doc wrote me a script for clarithromycin at 1000mg once a day and nexium.
I decided not to go this route and started reading.
I decided to follow Dr. Mercola s recommended treatment of Mastica Gum and Bio HPF.
2 capsules of each 2 times a day. Mercola recommends 6 months treatment.
Told my doc what I was doing and he was interested to see if it works. I will do a stool test in 3 months.
I am just over 2 weeks into this treatment and had the funky taste in my mouth for the last 2 days and yesterday and today had violent diarrhea in insane amounts. Actually worried about the amount.
I have read the funky taste is normal but what about the diarrhea??
I am thinking about stopping the Mastic Gum and Bio HPF at this point due to this.
I have also read that Mastic Gum can get rid of H Pylori in 14 days.
I have a good herbal medicine person here who recommends colloidal silver ion and heavy probiotics.
Any insight or info would be appreciated.
Hi Brian,
I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I’m interested to see how it went for you as well.
Hope you feel better now.
Hi Sylvie, did you have symptoms that led you to treat H Pylori? Just curious – it sounded like you were healthy before and healthy after, with little to no change in symptoms. Thanks -LN
Hi LN,
I had some digestive troubles like acid reflux, gas and bloating some of which were probably attributed to SIBO more than H.Pylori but we happened to test this first so it’s what I tackled first.
Hope that helps!
I just finished the new book “Missing Microbes” by Martin J Blaser, MD. H Pylori has been his life’s work. He used to be of the common mind that “The only good H Pylori is a dead H Pylori”, but his work has led him to believe that it is actually a natural component of our balanced gut flora, and may in fact have a protective role to play. They have also isolated the specific strains that are associated with gastric cancer. It is transmitted from mother to child as part of the normal flora, and once missing, is almost impossible to acquire. Dr Blaser is very against the overuse of antibiotics, especially in children, and very against the overuse of cesarean section birth. Not against the life-saving use of these things, mind you, just their overuse in unwarranted situations. He is also very against the use of antibiotics in food animals for growth promotion. The book is absolutely fascinating, and a fairly easy read, despite the technical nature of the material. As an MD, he is cautious, but optimistic about the use of probiotics and about fecal microbiota transplantation. I highly, highly recommend this book!
That sounds really interesting Gigi! Thanks for sharing!
Gigi, So how does suggest healing it?
Incurred my h.pylori by taking 1 tsp coconut oil a day for about 2-3 months.
That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing
Coconut oil contains monolaurin which is very good at killing bad bacteria AND viruses. Naturally it’s quite effective against H. Pylori.
Have you had success using it for H. Pylori? I’ve found that it’s not quite powerful enough to combat it, although it’s helpful for prevention and for combatting other (weaker) bacteria.
My husband is going to start tomorrow the mastic gum. I hope it works!
I hope so too, Dred!
How’s the taste of the Matula tea? I’m wondering it I can get my 3 year old to drink it.
I put some raw honey in it for the kids. I usually drink unsweetened tea and coffee so for me it was actually a pleasant tea but it tastes sort of like a mild green tea that’s unsweetened so probably not something he’ll jump for joy at but also not something you’ll have to hold him down for 😉 Hope that helps!
Do you know if there is an expiring date on the box I bought this I live in Hillsboro Oregon in Portland Oregon in the United States and I haven’t used it I bought it about 7 months ago I was kind of scared to drink it I can’t find an expiring date on it do you know?
Hi Michelle,
I don’t think 7 months would be a problem at all but send the company a quick email just to double check. They’re usually pretty quick about getting back to you.
Hey guys, do you know that how we can be sure when these bugs died??
I mean, I would like to know the symptoms of the death of H-pylori viruses..
To be 100% sure, you need to retest Dabhi.
Ok Sylvie, thank u so much.
I have made a three months diet plan to eradicate the viruses.
I collected some remedies from many different sites.
If anybody wants to know about it then I will post it here.
I m going to start it from tomorrow…
Hi can you please share your diet plan
Hi dabhi, can you please share your diet plan. I also would like to follow it. Thanks in advance.
Can you please share your dietplan. Thanks
Hi Dabhi can you please share the diet plan with me
We are h pylori killing buds! I recently got rid of my h pylori (the natural way) too! 🙂
awesome! I like the new blog name Karen!
I have diagnosed H-pylori before 2 years. Had done the course of antibiotics for 14 days. And taking rablet 40, indarel 10, ganaton OD till now. But whenever I tried to stop taking these medicines, the pain comes back. Pressure of gas in chest, on head, floating stomach and etc….
Can u please tell me?? How long it will take to kill H-pylori by using this natural remedies???
Hi Dabhi,
Depending on the severity of your case from 4-8 weeks. Luckily, taking the tea is a lot easier and doesn’t have the side effects of antibiotics.
Hope that helps!
Ok, I will try it for sure. Is there any other option except this tea???
The mastic gum mentioned in this post. Those are the only two methods I feel comfortable with. I used the tea with great success.
Thank you Sylvie,
Thanks for the suggestion.
Do they deliver this tea to an Indian postal address?? Because I m from India and searched a lot for tea but I m helpless in this matter..
You know I’m really not sure but they’ve always been very helpful so if you email them I’m sure they’ll let you know right away. 🙂
Hi Sylivie. Iam in Botswana,Southern Africa where can i get Matula tea and Mastic gum
Hi Agnes, Unfortunately I don’t know. Please contact the companies linked in the post above to see if they’ll ship to you.
Agnes, we can get mastic Gum in SA, so maybe you need too look a little harder at the right places / herbal shops / a Homeopath or take a quick trips to SA. Importing will be tricky depending on your countries laws fro import. The tea, you should be able to get a homeopath to get one made up for you, is much harder for me to find items on list to make a tea up in SA, we dont get half the stuff USA gets.
Thanks for stepping in to answer that- I LOVE it when you guys help each other out in the comments!
Hi, where in South Africa can you get the Mastic gum or the Matula Tea please @faste99 – I’m in South Africa and because of the nonsense with our postal services I don’t want to try anyone who ships, rather find a shop I think is safer.